Venom (Chapter 2)

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Zedakai’s POV

Stupid, Zedakai, just plain stupid. I mentally scolded myself as I watched Silver, I should have never gone into that clearing. All I did was endanger myself and my job, for all I knew The Boss was probably preparing to punish me already.

 I followed Silver to her secret hiding place, where she retrieved her bag and preceded to walk home bafflement all over her face. Once she was safe inside her house I turned around and started walking back to my place, The Boss was sitting in the chair by the fire, waiting for my return.

“Zedakai, what were your orders for today?” he asked.

“To watch, Sir.”

“And what did you do today, Zedakai?”

“I approached, Sir.”

“What were you told not to do?”

“Approach, Sir,” I replied my muscles tensing involuntarily, as I waited for my punishment. With my last answer he shot up from the chair, spun to face me and spoke in a deep voice that was more frightening than him yelling.

“God Damn, Zedakai, I gave you a very simple order and you went and disobeyed me. After everything I taught you, I thought you were ready, but obviously not. You will be punished and then sent back into training. Apart from your obvious stuff up, do you have anything to report?”

“Yes, Sir. Today in the clearing she recognised me, but she has never seen me before. Which leads me to believe she has somehow seen me on previous orders, which is impossible,” I informed him, waiting for more punishment to be doled out.

“I’ve changed my mind you’ll be receiving no punishment, instead you are to watch her, become close to her, be her only friend in a world full of enemies. Find out everything about her, start tomorrow,” and with that he left without a sound. Leaving me alone in a cabin nobody sees.

I couldn’t sleep that night, all I could think about was Silver and how I was going to try to become her friend, it honestly seemed impossible at least that’s what I thought. But when I saw her the next day walking away from school instead of toward it, a plan came to my mind.

“Silver,” I called out.

Silver’s POV


I heard someone yell my name and spun around to see Zedakai jogging slowly towards me. I turned around and kept walking, fastening my pace just a little.

“Silver, wait up,” Zedakai called again, catching up to me.

“Hey, why didn’t you wait?” He asked as he matched his pace with mine.

“I’m late for school,” I replied hastily.

“It’d make you more believable if you were actually walking in the direction of the school,” He informed me with a grin. I just turned around and glared at him, he started to fidget and finally asked, “Is something wrong?”

“Really, that’s what you’re going to ask me? Is something wrong? You couldn’t already guess that without asking?” I replied sarcastically.

Ignoring my question he asked “well now I know something’s wrong, what is it?”

“Hmm let me think, it might just be the fact my mother hasn’t been home in two days, or it could also be that you seemingly disappeared into thin air yesterday. But then again there’s also Layla annoying the shit out of me and to top it all off Cato still has this stupid obsession with me,” I informed him exasperatingly, and maybe tinged with a little bit of sarcasm. I looked over at him after a few minutes of silence and burst out laughing at the horrified look on his face. Once I was doubled over and on the ground from laughing so hard he seemed to snap out of it and quickly glare at me furiously.

“Did that answer your question’ I asked him still giggling as I stood up.

“Yes it did, I just didn’t expect it all. I thought it was something petty like having a fight with a boyfriend,” Zedakai replied horror still evident in his voice.

“I don’t have a boyfriend and don’t plan on getting one anytime soon,” I quickly snapped at him, then turned around and resumed walking.

“Wow, ok, note to self: don’t mention boyfriends to Silver,” I heard Zedakai mutter as he followed closely behind me.

After a few minutes of walking in content silence we reached my destination, the clearing from yesterday. I’d collected my bow and arrows earlier, and as I reached the bottom of my favourite tree I turned and told Zedakai,

“If you make a single sound I will honestly aim my arrow straight at your balls and fire, got it?” once he’d nodded I continued, “Follow me up.”

I scaled up the tree and didn’t hear anything behind me so I glanced down, expecting to see Zedakai at the bottom staring at me manically, but instead he was hot on my heels and looked like he did this kind of thing every day. Then again judging from his muscles he probably did, with that thought in my head I turned around and hopped onto my favourite branch with Zedakai following gracefully.

“So what are we doing today?” He whispered after we’d sat there for a few minutes.

“Well I don’t know about you but I’m hunting for the day, then I might do some drawing,” I replied distractedly, as I watched a deer walk into the clearing.

“And why am I not included in -”

“Zedakai shut up!” I whispered harshly not taking my eyes off the deer. Her ears pricked up and I knew I would have to act fast if I was going to catch her; I quickly drew my arrow and aimed. Just as I let go I was bumped, making the arrow to fly into a nearby tree. I turned and glared at Zedakai as the deer raced from the clearing,

“It’s against the rules to hunt a forest animal,” he stated simply.

“Yeah and I didn’t know that already,” I said, sarcasm creeping in again, as I jumped down from the tree to retrieve my arrow. As I approached the tree I almost screamed in frustration, my arrow was still there of course, but only half of it.

“Look what you did to my arrow!” I yelled as I whirled around and stalked towards Zedakai.

Zedakai’s POV

“I, I, I didn’t mean to,” I stammered, taking a few slow steps backward.

“You didn’t mean to, of course you didn’t mean to, you just bumped me causing me to lose my kill and break my arrow!” she shouted back at me.

“It’s not a big deal, I’ll buy you a new one through the school,” I tried, diplomatically.

“You’re right it’s not a big deal,” she replied calming a little.

“It’s a massive deal, that arrow was hand carved from four different types of rare wood. It’s feathers were from one of the most exotic birds in the world , it took me five months to make that damn arrow there is no way in hell you’re going to be able to replace it!” she all of a sudden screamed.

I took a few steps toward her and all of a sudden I saw horror fill her eyes,

“Silver? Silver, what’s wrong?” I asked curiously.

“N, n, nothing,” she stuttered back, taking a few shaking steps backward before she turned and took off into the forest. I stood in our little clearing completely dumbstruck as I heard Silver loudly running away.

Away from me.

Hi guys i hope you liked the second chapter, please vote, comment, all the usual stuff. :) by the way you pronounce Zedakai' name as 'Zed-ah-ky'

Thanks for reading :D


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