Venom (Chapter 3)

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Silver POV

I sprinted through the forest, branches slapping at my face, arms and legs as the animals quickly scurried away. I wasn’t really paying attention to where I was going, I just knew I had to get away. Away from Zedakai and what he made me feel, no not feel, felt. I was so pissed off with him for breaking my arrow but when I looked into his eyes all I could see was slight amusement, worry and concern, so much concern. No one had ever looked at me like that before, not even my own mother. I felt a warm sensation start from deep within my stomach and spread as a tingle went down my spine, then I realised what I was feeling and ran. I couldn’t feel that way towards Zedakai, one because I hardly know the guy and two it would only end up with me getting hurt.

Slowing to a stop I looked up at my surroundings to find a quaint little house hidden amongst the trees and all of a sudden I had the strangest feeling that I was prying and yet I hadn’t even taken a step towards the house. Glancing around to make sure nobody was watching I walk towards the door and found it unlocked, walking inside I was startled by the starkness of the room. It was an open planned house with the only the small bathroom sectioned off. The walls were an off white colour and bare except for a strange symbol, which looked oddly familiar, in a frame above the fire. In front of the fire was a single comfy looking armchair made of fake distressed leather. In the corner was a neatly made double bed and opposite that a small kitchen with drying dishes left on the sink. I sat down in the chair, nearly disappearing into the cushions, and felt the waves of exhaustion roll over my body as my eyes drifted shut.


I heard a door shut forcefully and it was a minute or two before it registered where I was and how I got there. Jumping out of the armchair I spun around to find Zedakai watching me warily, surprise in his eyes.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him.

“Well I should be asking you that question since this is my house,” he replied.

“Oh, I’m sorry I was just wondering and found it,” I informed him, guilt creeping into my stomach.

“And you, being you, thought you’d be able to walk into someone else’s house and make yourself comfortable? What happened to privacy these days?” he muttered incredulously.

“I said I was sorry, I really didn’t mean to,” I replied cautiously, before continuing, “are you okay? You seem upset.”

“I’m absolutely peachy, Silver, after you ran off for no reason I seemed to attract trouble and got attacked by a random guy. How do you think I feel?” he said exasperated. Now that he mentioned it I had a good look and realised that he had a cut lip, bruised knuckles and the start of a black eye. I watched as he reached into the small freezer for an already frozen ice pack which made me think he was used to fighting and bruises. For some strange reason my stomach filled with fear at the thought of him suffering and in pain, quickly pushing the feeling away I asked him “did you see who it was?”

“Yeah it was some kid with blond hair, probably a few centimetres shorter than me,” he replied while walking to the armchair I had just vacated and sitting down. Cato. What the hell is he doing? Thinking he could just go around attacking random guys he doesn’t even know. Striding towards the door, I was reaching for the handle when Zedakai asked, “Silver, where are you going?”

“I’m going to have a nice little chat with your attacker,” I stated simply, taking another step.

“I don’t think that’s necessary, he came out of this looking a hell of a lot worse than me, and I have a feeling you won’t see him around until his bruising fades little,” he told me before asking in a soft voice that almost sounded nervous, “Silver, will you stay for a little while? I just don’t want to be alone right now.”

“Sure, I suppose I could say for a little bit,” my traitorous mouth replied without consulting my sensible brain, which, by the way, is telling me to run before I really start to feel something for this mysterious boy.

My feet carried by unwilling body towards Zedakai and looking around I saw that there was only one chair, and it was currently occupied.

“Umm, where am I going to sit?” I asked, not looking at him.

He just glanced at me and said “Well you can either sit on the floor or on me and the floor isn’t very soft, if you get my drift,” looking at him defiantly, I sat on the floor facing him. He just raised his eyebrows at me then continued to stare into the fire, deep in thought. After a few minutes of awkward silence and me shifting slightly to keep my bum from going numb, I asked him quietly, “what are you thinking about?”

Without looking at me he simply replied, “You.”

“Why are you thinking about me?” I asked puzzled.

“I’m thinking about you because you don’t know who I really am, and if you did, I know for certain you would run away from me. Just like you did today, only I wouldn’t see you again.” He looked so sad and forlorn that I got up off the floor and without thinking about what I was doing, sat down in his lap, buried my face in his neck and held him like I was drowning and he was my last hope. He turned his head to hide his face in my hair as his body shook and silent tears streamed down his face, wetting my shoulder. His strong arms snaked around my waist and held on tight as my fingers softly stroked his hair until we both fell asleep.

Stretching lazily I slowly opened my eyes to find myself encased in a soft, fluffy, white doona. I sat up slightly expecting to find Zedakai so I could receive an explanation as to why I was in his bed, but he was nowhere to be seen. Looking at the clock I realised that if I didn’t get my ass moving I was going to be late for school and considering I skipped yesterday I had better show up today. After checking my appearance in a small mirror in the even smaller bathroom, I rushed out the door, not bothering to make the bed.

Finally I walked out the school gates and headed home, glancing around just in case I saw Zedakai, but again he was nowhere to be seen. Reaching my house I walked in the door, only to nearly fall to the floor from shock; after three days my wonderful mother had finally decided to grace me with her presence. Recovering I glared at her and said sarcastically, “Oh, so you finally decided I was good enough to be in your presence, did you?”

She didn’t even look at me when she replied, “Silver, stop being so dramatic, you know I try to be the best mother I possibly can for you,”

I nearly burst out laughing at that statement, “yeah you really try your hardest, that’s why you left for three whole days. So you can win the mother of the year award.” My comment was meet with stony silence, I walked up to her, ripped the local newspaper out of her hand, “that was the reason wasn’t it, Mum?” I said, emphasising the last word. My so called mother then did the last thing I ever expected, she stood up slowly and punched me in the face, cutting my lip. I stumbled back with shock as I watched her grab an empty garbage bag from the kitchen and walk to my room, a few minutes later she returned with the now full bag. Throwing it at me she yelled fiercely, “GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!”

When I didn’t move she told me with a hate filled gaze, “You aren’t my daughter and never will be now Get Out!!”

Picking up the bag with all my belongings in it I slowly walked past my former mother, refusing to let her see how much it hurt, refusing to let the tears roll down my cheeks, refusing to show her weakness. I walked calmly out the door without a second glance and once I was under the cover of the trees I broke into a run, letting fate take me where it may.


Hello all my lovelys, i am terribly sorry for the late update, school and work has been the main focus right now but i promise i will try to write most of Chap 4 today and upload this week.

Please, please, please COMMENT!!! i want to know what you think of my writing, even if it isn't a positive comment i don't mind, any comment will help me improve.

Hope you enjoy


:D xoxoxoxo

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