Aunya is a normal 16 year old girl. Her life is normal beside the feeling that something is missing. For Aunya' that missing puzzle piece was her inner wolf who has been dormant in her subconscious and suddenly wants out stating that they're the d...
********So the first real chapter i sup hope you guys like it Remember suggestions are perfectly fine but no bashing ALSO have a nice day ........
Roses are red Violets are blue I hope these words of wisdom encourage you You are amazing no matter what they say love yourself because others will have a price to pay the price of regret an shame for they messed with a beautiful(or handsome) person who will soon gain fame.......
love yourself as someone will always love you and if the don't then know that I do!!!!!
Alright I'll stop and start now:
Chapter one:Mysterious Beach Guy
The spring breeze danced across my skin making my hair whip into my face. I stand on my balcony overlooking the ocean, waiting for what i don't know maybe a chance to escape this hellhole called life. 10 minutes turn into 20 which turn into 30,..nothing...Nothing but the same view I've been seeing for the past ten years stares back at me. The beach , the crystal blue ocean,the blazing autumn sun, and the boy--WAIT--,the boy?1? Who is that Shiiiiit he's looking PANIC -RUN-JUMP-HIDE----no not jump you're going to die you idiot( Well not really because you know i'm a werewolf)
Fuck i'm still standing staring, after running around like a headless chicken tripping over a plant and crashing through my balconies double doors i am finally inside away from that creepy beach dude Hmmmmm maybe he's new to the neighborhood.
Well.....ya kno he is kinda well maybe alot ho-
Unfortunately my thoughts are cut short by my dad's voice,
"Aunya, get down here, the school called...again," my Dad,Christopher's, voice boomed.
"Fuck i'm in trouble" I say panicking because if it is my dad that is calling me then i must be in deep-deep dog shit. I slowly make my way down stairs to face the wrath of my father. As i reach the bottom of the stairway he says
,"Your principal called and said that you skipped class again--"
--But daaad---"
--No buts Aun, this is the third time this week,you're grounded and this is final.Oh and you are coming to meet the new neighbors",he states.
"Please dad i'll take being grounded any-day, but don't make me meet the neighbors," I pout Practically begging. If i have to i'll get on my hands and knees as you can tell i don't like new people hence the accident with the balcony.
"At least it wasn't as bad as summer camp 2 years ago when you spewed your guts all over that counselor when he made you introduce yourself to the other camp members........or when you trip over that pencil desk and sheet of paper and fell into Andrew the horn-ball Jenkins's lap and got called his slu-," My wolf Zoe/Dimitur (as it is her surname) which means life lover of earth begins to say but is cut off by me.
"If you finish the sentence you won't be coming out till next autumn and i know how bad you love to run since we rarely get to run due to our handicap," i say back in a warning tone.
"AYE AYE CAPTAIN,"she retorts not caring at all for my earlier threat at all.
"Aun are you listening go get dressed" my dad says impatiently," I've been trying to get to you for the past 4 minutes"
"Please dad no how about extra chores," I bargain.
"You're going," he says in a finalizing tone.
I grudgingly make my way upstairs, dragging my feet in the process.Me being the procrastinator that I am plop down onto my queen sized bed.My room is pretty normal having yellow green walls, White bedspread with blue pillows, a lime green chair across from the bed, wooden floors, and a blue dresser with matching curtains.
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After five minutes of lying in comfortable solitude,I get up and make my way to my walk in closet and pull out some jeans and a Panic!At the Disco shirt featuring a demon Brendon Urie...ahhhhh.... And a red pair of converse from my converse collection.(Outfit above)
Once i am done putting on my clothes i walk down stairs to see my Dad,and little siblings waiting on me.As we walk up to the neighbors pathway and my dad allows my little brother to knock on the door i think " this is it don't puke trip or do something weird you got this you got th-" Crap footsteps are heard coming from inside of the house and the door opens revealing........
* * * *
Don't kill me for the cliffie i love you my little pandolas (koalas and pandas mixed) sorry if that is weird but yea I hope you like this chapter again no bashing or roasting as some peeps may say.
Important NOTE:
I hope you are having an amazing day as I am if not write what's wrong on my private chat and i'll give you feedback on how to solve your problems as they say it's easier to tell a stranger something i'll try my best to help anyone who needs a helping hand unless it's money cuz I AM BROKE yep no money as of right now.Te-hee