Aunya is a normal 16 year old girl. Her life is normal beside the feeling that something is missing. For Aunya' that missing puzzle piece was her inner wolf who has been dormant in her subconscious and suddenly wants out stating that they're the d...
Personality: shy timid, and doesn't talk much athletic( but clumsy when scared/stressed) plays with the hem of her shirt when nervous -stutters when embarrassed or frightened. But if you get to know her she is outspoken, funny,kind,smart,nerdy, and a bit crazy( only a tad-bit.....*wink*..) Very protective of her friends and family.
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Malayla(red) and Mirani (blue) ages 7 and 9 bubbly energy balls never ending energy very mischievous-double trouble-but cuddly!
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Paige: age 11 smart, observant and loves everyone that doesn't eat her food this can be said for all the Perrez's
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Ethan: 5 years old the baby and is spoiled rotten and absolutely adorable and his puppy dog eyes and dimpled cheeks are his greatest features besides being overly smart for a 5 year old.
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Christopher Perrez: Aunya's father
Height: 6'3
Age: 38 Years
Personality: The fun dad plays a lot of jokes the family 'clown', but can be serious when it involves the well being of his family and is strict only if you are in DEEP trouble.
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Caroline Valance-Perrez:
Age: 37 years
height: 5'9 and 1/2
Personality: skeptical of new people , kind- hearted, and lovable, and very supportive but do not cross or be disrespectful of her or you will be grounded for life.
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Kaelynn Reeds:Best friend of Aunya
AGE: 16
Height: 5'6
shy ,timid,but with friends talkative and loves to read watch anime and listen to Kpop, dubstep and glitch-hop A+B student.
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Estelle king: best friend of Aunya(partner in crime)
Outgoing and outspoken not shy at all artistic and is just out there. she is a procrastinator but always gets her work done A+B student and is into emo, alternative,rock, and dubstep(reg. or melodic)
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Jax(Jaxen)P. Wilder: The schools' typical bad boy with a twist( we'll talk more about this later*secrets,secrets Ha-Ha you'll find out )* oh yea he plays a little guitar maybe has a voice sent own from the heavens...Maybe?( he may be referred to as J.W or Wilder an another mystery name from his siblings in the book)
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........I will refresh your memories of the characters later on as I move along with the story line KAYYYziiieees