Let The Pranking Begin..

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Today is the day the pranking starts. For our first prank, Andrea, McKenna, and I thought of a perfect plan. We were going to put cream cheese in all the guys deodorant while they were out meeting with their manager, I know it's childish but hey if it works it works. We snuck into their bathroom and got the cream cheese out of the container. We all dressed in black to be more sneaky just in case they came back. Again childish but its whatever. We went to the cabinet and got the deodorants out. I have to say guys deodorant smells really good.. is that weird? Anyways we put the cream cheese is, closed the caps, and left. As we mad our way back to the main room the guys walk in. "Y'all  look suspicious." Drew says. "Nope just been watching a movie." McKenna says. The boys walk back to their room.

-20 minutes later (getting ready to go get dinner)-

As I finished curling my hair I hear a loud, boyish scream. Keaton runs in. "Dude what the hell?" He screams. " Point one for MKA." I say proudly. " Oh y'all are going to get it." He says walking out. As we leave to go get dinner we hear Keaton, Drew, and Wes whispering. What have we gotten ourselves into?

-After dinner-

Wes, Drew, and Keaton run in the bus, practically sprinting out of the rental car. As new walk in, we see the boys no where in sight. Just as we are about to sit down we get pelted with about 40 water balloons. Somehow they knew exactly where we were going to be, because the set up a catapult facing the couch. Andrea screams, McKenna trys to cover her hair, and I stand there in shock. As the boys come out from behind the couch, laughing Wes says, " Nice bra Kelly." I look down noticing that wore a white shirt with a purple lace bra underneath. Not the smartest choice. Trying to cover my self I see Keaton punch Wes, and practically jump across the couch to cover me with his jacket. As he does so he leans down and whispers," Point one Emblems, looks like we are tied up." As I try to protest McKenna and Andrea pull me into our room. "So what do we do now?" McKenna asks. " I think I have a plan." I say. After telling them the plan, I notice them nodding in agreement. I get up to go change noticing I'm still wet and see I'm still wearing Keaton's'  jacket. Andrea has left the room saying something about a drink and McKenna went to go take a shower. As I pull of the jacket I smell a sudden whiff of Axe and pine needles. Damn Keaton must smell amazing. Wait what am I saying. I cant like Keaton he's a jerk. But he did give me his jacket. As I finish having a mental fight with myself, I fold his jacket and go walk down the hall to give it to him. As walk past the living room I notice Andrea and Wesley sitting on the couch. A couple second later I see Wesley lean in for a kiss. "Nope there will be no making out on my tour bus." I say. Andrea jumps and Wesley practically falls off the couch. I notice Andrea blushing. As I walk away to Keaton's room I knock on the door. "Come in!" Keaton yells. I walk in and notice Keaton standing there shirtless.  Wow he has a nice body. " Enjoying the view?" Keaton says snapping me out of my daze. "Um.. no.. I uh.. I came to return your jacket." I say finally getting a whole sentence out. " Oh yeah hold on." He pulls on a shirt that says 'Pink Floyd' on it. "You like Pink Floyd?" I say. " Yeah. You?" He says. " Um doesn't everyone?" I say. He looks surprised. "What?"

" Nothing I've just never met a girl who likes Pink Floyd."

"Well now you have." I say taking a seat on his bed. He takes one too. After about ten minutes of talking about bands he says, " Kelly you're the coolest girl I've ever met." " Well thanks." I say. As I see him moving closer to me I lean in. Just as we are about to kiss, I hear Wes say , " Hey no kissing on the tour bus."  Mimicking me. I jump about a foot in the air. Keaton is all the way on the other side of the bed. Wes just laughs. "Haven't you heard of knocking? Get the fuck out." Keaton says blushing. "Alright, Alright. Just came in to tell you ice cream is ready." Wes says leaving. " Where were we?" Keaton says. " I think I should go." I say getting up Leaving. Before I do I turn around and notice Keaton with the saddest look on his face. " Thanks again for the jacket." I say. I shut the door and leave.

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