Where it all begins

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I had no idea where I was, and my head was throbbing like I had just been hit with a crowbar. I slowly started opening my eyes as life seemed to be flooding back into my body again. I tried to open my eyes, yet my eyelids felt like they were balancing boulders. "Ellie, oh my god! My beautiful baby!" Everything was fuzzy, in the horrible blur I could sort of see my mother's face standing over me. Even my hearing was muffled, all I was hearing was a bunch of unrecognized voices. "Wha- wha- what happened?" The words struggled to escape from my mouth. My mother quickly answered me, "Ellie baby listen, you're in the hospital. You been missing for two months." At first I remembered absolutely nothing. Me, missing? They couldn't be serious. As my vision started focusing I saw a doctor, my mother, and two police officers standing around my bed. "Hello Ellie, I'm officer Rick Marley. I was the officer who found you. Lucky for you, I was taking a new route today or who knows what else would have happened." I was so confused. I had so many questions but I was so weak that words seemed to be sliding back down my own throat. "F-f-f-found me? You found me where?" He told me that he found me quite far from any towns, pretty much in the middle of no-where laying almost completely limp on the side of an irrigation ditch. The doctor then stepped in. "Ellie listen dear, you have 3 broken ribs. One on the left side and two on your right. Thank god they didn't puncture your lungs. Your collarbone also was dislocated, along with your left shoulder. We removed most of the glass pieces from your body while you were asleep. The cuts and bruises will heal in the next two weeks." I carefully looked at my body observing it. I didn't even look the way I remembered myself. I was on the skinny side already, but now my ribs poked out so defined that I looked like I hadn't ate in months. My pale skin was now spotted with dark and light bruises everywhere my eyes moved to. I asked impatiently, "What did they do to me in the two months? Where did they have me? Did you catch them?" They looked at me, and paused. I just wanted to know what had happened to me. "We believe that you actually escaped from your kidnapper(s) considering where you were found. Listen Ellie, the past two months you've lost 20 pounds. Who ever had you must've starved you almost to death. Your injuries also state that you've been severely beaten multiple times. And unfortunately no, the person knew how to cover their tracks very well. No DNA was found on you besides your own. We are taking all possible actions to catch them though." The police officer seemed to have trouble telling me that, consider whoever hurt me is still free and now I had that to also worry about. "Why do I not remember anything that happened to me in the past few months?" The doctor blankly stared at me for a second. "Ellie, your memory loss was caused by head trauma. It should start to come back in the next few weeks, or maybe even months. Which means information on what happened to you should start popping up in your head, it might be disturbing but please don't hesitate to let us know anything you remember." I nodded and just laid there still in disbelief. Even though I was now conscious, I didn't feel actually conscious. I couldn't believe what was being said to me. I had been kidnapped.

- Hello there you beautiful person, thanks so much for clicking my story!! I really hope you enjoy it and I will be updating everyday! So stay tuned!! Please vote and comment feedback so I can know what you thought about the story so far. Have an amazing day. (:

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2017 ⏰

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