His Dog Tags, And An I Love You

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I stood waiting in the middle of the Atlanta, airport  waiting for his plane to land. It was like being on the interstate during rush hour. People were running around with there lugage chatting up their phones or, chatting up each other. There were people every where! I had never been inside an airport, so all of this was really new to me. The noise was way to loud, and the crowds made me even more nervouse, seeing how i was dressed up in a silky Yellow spegetti strap sun dress, that went a little above my knees, with 3 inch high hills. I had picked the color yellow, so that it would match his dress uniform. My medium length brown hair straightened, with a small black hair piece that held half of it back. I looked like i should have been going on a date, not meeting some one at the air port.

 My whole body was shaking like jello. I had never met this man, but yet in the past 3 years he had became my best friend. We had written letters to each other, and even talked on the phone for hours, and hours. He always had a way of makeing me laugh. On my bad days all it would take was the sound of his voice, or his hand writting on an envolpe adressed to me. I had fallin in love with this man, through the letters he had written to me, and all of the forever lasting phone calls.

I watched, as every one in the building gathered around the gates. A voice over the intercome had just a few seconds ago told every one that the plan, Taylor was on would soon be landing here in, Atlanta. A nervouse smile lit my face, and my blue eyes shinning like stars in a mid night sky. Thoughts in my head were running wild, along with my heart. "What if he regrets coming here when he sees me? What if im not what he imagined? God, what am i doing here? Im such a fool!" I thought to myself.

When we were told the plane had landed I stood up straighter with a smile lingering on my lips. If you could see me you would think, "Now that girl is proud, and has loads of confidence!" But, inside im just a girl praying he will take me, as i am.

Gate number 7 had just opened, and loads of people were flooding out. It reminded me of a heard of wild horses i had seen in, Wyoming when they were being turned loose again. There where loved ones running to each other, and holding on for dear life like they hadn't seen each other for ages. There were couples running in to each others arms, kissing each other with all of the passion they had for one another. This sight reminded me of something you would see in the movies. I stood on my tippy toes scanning the groups of people for a sight of an Army cap, and a pair of army greens. I really didn't have to stand on my tippy toes because, i was tall enough in the 3 inch hills to see every one but, i was despret to see his face. A feeling of worry seased through my body. "Did he miss his plane?" I asked my self mentaly. "No, he would have called and told me somthing. He is here right here, right now." I reasured mysef.

"You know if you stretch any higher, you will reach the sky!" His deep southern drawl echoed through my ears. I turned around sharply almost losing my balance, his hands wrapped around my waist catching me before i fell over. I looked up in to his brown eyes, as he chuckled looking down at me. I was stunned at the way my heart skipped a beat, when i looked in to his eyes. My face must have showen shock because, the smile had fallen from the lips that i had an erge to kiss.  stood for a few seconds just staring up at him. "Please say somthing." He whispered more to himself than to me.

I slowly looked him up, and down. He removed his hands from my hips, and smiled down at me. I returned the smiled, when i seen that he had done just what i had asked of him. He was wearing his dress uniform, like he had promised. "Oh, wow!" I looked up in to his brown eyes again.

Taylor, gave me a lop sided smile, and held out his arms while twirling once in the middle of the airport, so i could look him over. . "So watcha think?" He asked when he finnaly stopped twirling, and faced me.

The smile on his face gave me so many butterflies, It was unreal! I nodded, and returned the smile. "Oh, wow!" I repeated.

His laugh made me smile even bigger. "Elizabeth, is that all you can say?" He asked jokingly. I was no longer nervouse his smile, and laughter made all of  my reality disapear. No one was in the air port with us, it seemed that everything had disapeard, that it was just he and I.

I asked nervously, "Can i have a hug?" He nodded opening his arms willingly, and stepped closer to me smiling. I walked in to his arms, as they wrapped around me tightly like he never wanted to let me go. When i wrapped my arms around his waist i laid my head where his heart would be beating under his clothes, and skin. I could hear the sound of it's beating. It was rythmed, and calm unlike mine. "How could he be so calm?" I thought to my self. I wanted to stay like this forever it felt... right. Like, in his arms was where i was made to be. "Your perfect." He whispered in to my ear, as his arms loosened around my waist.

With a smile I stepped back a little, with his arms still loosly around my waist ,and my hands still holding him on each side. Not wanting to let go i looking up in to his eyes, and said, "Boy, im getting lost in your brown eyes!"

The smile fell from his face, and a look i had never seen before flashed acrossed it. It gave me goose bumbs, and to be totaly honest it scared me. I tried to keep a smile on my face. "Your not at all what i expected." He was saying this more to himself than to me.

I let go of him, and took a step backwards, "excuse me?" I was more taken back than anything. Im sure my face was showing him shock, and maybe even hurt, too.

Taylor, took a step forward closer to me i could feel his warm breath on my skin, and i could smell the scent of of his cologne. God, did he smell oh so good! His arms snaked around my waist, and held me closer to him. I was so confused by him, that i had no clue what to do! "It's taken me by surprise," He began "Your not the girl i pictured at all In those paint by number fantasies, I've had. So it took me by complete surprise,when i got lost in to your deep blue eyes. Your not at all what I was looking for, Your more."

I was confused, and slowly getting mezmorized by him, i was lost in my own world. "What?" I breathed. The smile i love so much came back to his face.

He bent down lower to me. "I like green eyes, yours are blue not like the woman of my dreams and your hair's not quite as long as I had planned, five foot three isn't very tall your not the girl I pictured at all." He admited to me his perfect girl, or so i thought anyway. I was confused by his words, and still very unsure.  "So it's takes me by complete surprise when my heart gets lost in to your beautiful blue eyes. And, damn your so much more than i ever could have dreamed up." He whispered all of these sweet nothings in to my ear. " I came here expecting to see my best friend, not my perfect girl Your more than i've dreamed of, way more than any man deserves, I can't ask for more than what you are." He leaned away from my ear, and looked in to my eyes.

I was so stunned at his words, i didn't know weather to laugh or smile... Either way i was a very happy girl! His arms pulled me in to his broad, and solid chest for another hug. I closed my eyes, and took in his scent, it was comforting to be in his arms. I felt his lips press to the top of my head.

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