Oh no... Part 1

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Zachary's POV
I woke up to my wife poking me, all crazy like. "What is it Chelsea?" I asked, struggling to open my eyes. Chelsea looked worried. "I can't find Jack or Mark!" She worriedly exclaimed, speaking really fast. I jet up, just after she finished. I put on some clothes, not caring what I looked like, and I grabbed my wife's hand. I ran out of the house, with Chelsea, and she saw a note so she stopped us. Chelsea picked up the note, folded up. She opened it.

Dear Chelsea and Zachary,
I have your children, Jack and Mark, and they're all tied up. You must figure out where I am. When you arrive, you must complete a series of tests, before reaching your children. If you complete all the tests, you may have Jack and Mark back, but if you decide to leave, lets just say, they'll have lived a short life. I have clues to where I am.
1. I am in the street, which the name of, is the name a famous, female singer. T_ _ _ _ _ Road.
2. You must solve a math equation to find out my building number. The equation is:

4 2 = @  @ 18 = 🔻  🔻 ✖️ 2 = R  R 10 = $  $ 30 = f  f 5 = __  __=My building number ( sorry about the math. Ps, you don't have to do it, it will tell you )

3. There is a bird sign outside the place I am in

I hope you enjoy this scavenger hunt!

       C + P  (Guess who!)

Chelsea's POV
I was worried, so I got to work. If the famous singer is female, and the name starts with T. 1 2 3 4 5 letters after the T. Hmmm. I know, "Taylor Road," I said. Zachary said, "Building Number 4." I looked at him and he looked at me. Then, we nodded to eachother, and went to the garage. We got in his car and he started it. We put on our seatbelts, rushing, and we set the GPS to 4 Taylor Road.

Jack's POV
I wake up, wondering where I am. I'm in a plain, grey room. I looked for Mark, I see him behind me. He is tied to a chair, along with me. I opened my eyes wide and started screaming so loud that I woke up Mark. "What is it?" Mark groaned, not opening his eyes. "Uhh," I responded, "I think we got kidnapped." Mark shot his eyes open, he looked around. "Ya think?" Mark said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "So, how we going to get out?" I asked. Mark shrugged. Then, I spotted a note, close enough for me to read it. I read it out loud to Mark.

Dear Jack and Mark,
It is us who tied you up. And what are our names you might ask? Just call us C and P for now. Chelsea and Zachary are going to have to perform a series of tests to keep you alive. If they decide to leave, I guess you'll die.
      C + P

Mark's POV
When Jack finished reading, I was even more worried. Why, just why.

I found an idea! But a bad one. I just, why do I do this? So, I will do the second chapter later. I just gotta eat dinner. And I think you might know who C + P might be. I'm evil. Anyways, I hope u enjoyed, and I'll see all u shippers, in the next chapter!

What? (Septiplier and Phan and Pewdiecry) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now