Cielo? or Tsuna? or Tuna-Fish

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Sorry I didn't find the right photo to put up there but I will put it if I find
(This was before I updated, I'm too lazy to clear it 😑😑😑)

Last Time
"Okay,i hope-"Bang!!! 'paperwork' thought Ieyoshi.

"Sorry we late...hah hah hah"said a girl with long black hair.

"Oh,mai!why you so late?"ask Ed.

"It because this two boys who stubborn enough to come here"said mai while pointing to boy with purple black hair and another boy who look so much like decimo except his hair was brown instead of blond



"Tu-Tu-Tuna-fish!!!"shout someone.

"Huh? Am I going insane? I hear that stupid old man"said the boy 'tuna-fish?' who look like decimo.(good boy don't say that okay or you will be bite to death by Kyo-chan)

"Tuna-fish don't say that~ Come on hug papa~!"said stupid old man *cough*Iemitsu*cough* and run to hug Tuna-fish.

"Help!Help! There a pervert old man here!"shout the tuna-fish boredly and dodge the hug.

"*Sob* *sob* tuna-fish don't do that to papa~"whine Iemitsu.

"D-dad,w-what do you mean?"said Ieyoshi while Reborn emitting a very large killing intent(I think I spell it right well I will just call it KI)

"Baka-Iemitsu,there something you don't tell me don't you? Tell me now or else"said *cough*demand*cough* Reborn.

"Ah!Reborn! Let me introduce you to my third son, Tsunayoshi Sawada~"

"W-what d-dad?What do you mean?" Ieyoshi ask with a hint of anger.

"A-ah s-sorry Sushi-chan,this is your younger twin brother"said Iemitsu stuttering but back to his goofy face.

"What!Wait....Before this you said he is your third son then who am I? The first or the second son?"ask Ieyoshi a little concerned and forgotten about the angry he felt for his *cough* should I said it (yes!!!) Okay okay *cough* dad.

"You're this pervent(sorry guys I don't know how to spell it pervent or pervert? Well just imagine you understand it okay*happy dust*) old man second son"said tuna- (Kyo-chan:finish that and I will bite you to death)(alright! And stop cutting I'm typing here ¶∆¶) said Tsuna/Cielo.

"Then who the first?"ask Ieyoshi.

"That baka dumb***"said Cielo growling.

"Okay?...Um so you are my twin"state Ieyoshi. Cielo just nodded "and so I have three sibling including me?" Ask Ieyoshi again.

"No"Cielo said shortly (Tsu-chan:*sob**sob*... Kyo-chan:you make bunny cry I will bite you to death!... Me:shut the **** up,I want to continue this story *glare hardly*... Tsu-chan and Kyo-chan:*silent and hide under the table)

"Wh-what do you mean by no?"ask Ieyoshi.

"What? Are you dumb? No mean is when you said is wrong or when you ask someone something he/she didn't want to do it and no means-" Cielo was cut of by Ieyoshi 'rude' he thought.

"Stop! That not what I mean,I mean is why you said no? Is there anymore sibling that I has without me knowing?"ask Ieyoshi and Cielo just smirk.

"Wait there more!?"shout Ieyoshi.

"Yes and shut up, you make my ear hurt"said Cielo while tilting his head to rub his ear.

"Yes and shut up, you make my ear hurt"said Cielo while tilting his head to rub his ear

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Imagine this

'Cute' everyone thought while put their hand at their nose to keep it from bleeding.

"Cielo?"ask someone.

"Huh?"said Cielo

'Huh? You just huh?! Don't say that you forgotten about us here!' though everyone again.

"Oh Ed! And Al too,Shiro, and-"said Cielo stopping when he sees Kyoya.

"*Sob**sob* C-ca-caleum!!! I miss you so much!!!*said Cielo while running to hug Kyoya while Kyoya just open his arm and hugging Cielo back.

"Caleum*sob*caleum"said Cielo burrying his head farder to Kyoya chest.

"Shush, you shouldn't cry, you're strong and big enough,so don't cry okay"said Kyoya with a soft voice while the guardians just gaped.

"Un!I will do everything Caleum said!"say Cielo while smiling cutely while other guardians just thought that they're just like a decoy.

Okay and cut!
Me:*tear* this is my first updated for this year (I think) and I feel great that I can continue it,it been so long seen updated and writing. School is really hard and I felt so tired, i just come back from extra class when I read this
So, we meet again next time when I not busy~
Please like and leave a comment about this~
And no hate please🙏🙏🙏
And thank you for reading 😊😊😊
P/s hibari is caleum
And Caleum and Cielo JUST a friend
Okay 😊

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