"There is some mistake or miss understanding... he would never do that!" I thought in my head about what she was going to say after I told her this next part. "That's what I thought to.. see what happened was my best friend "died" in a car accident and I met riker and he was super supportive.. we started dating and he is married to you and I thought you should know!" She looked speechless. "How could this happen? God, I'm so sorry about him!" I patted her shoulder. "I'm sorry for you! You guys are having a baby together so you have no choice to be with him or not!" She looked over my shoulder. "The baby is not born yet... in an do something but where is he?" That was a good question. I went to fine him so I told lanny I would find him. I was searching the whole mall and I could not find him. I went into the hallway full of bathrooms. I saw Amy running out crying and all she did was glance at me. I was confused but soon I figured out what happened. I saw riker walking right behind her! "What did you do to Amy?" I asked. He crossed his arms. "What did you say to lanny?" Was he disciplining me? "I told her everything.... what did you do to Amy?" I kept asking until he gave me an answer!
The thing he never told
Ficção GeralLaura lost her best friend Amy due to a tornado accident. It was a tough road for Laura but she met a wonderful boy named riker. In this book, you will find a big secret riker was keeping from Laura and Laura gets a call she never thought she would...