Chapter 28 Meet The New Queen

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Mal's POV
" And that queen will be Mal"
" What?!"
O....kay me? Queen of Auradon no way this is not true this is just a dream right, or not.
" Wait, me queen. Ben you know that am a villain not royalty, you know that and also you can just choose another one like Evie or Audrey but not me Ben. Please choose another one but not me" When I look at Evie she was shock, ya I know she want to become a queen and now it's her chance to be one.
" Wait me Mal no way and I know that I want to become a queen but now I don't like because I have Doug already so not me" Evie
" No way that Mal will become a queen" Carlos
" Ya I can't believe it that Mal will become one of that queen stuffs" Jay
" But Mal tomorrow will be your coronation" Ben
Wait?! Tomorrow?! This is not going to be happening.
" You know what am happy for you, you will going to be Queen of Auradon and you will rule it. I know you Mal you will going to be a great leader" Evie
" Ya Mal your going to be great like just what you did" Jay
" But if Mal will become a queen we will going back to the Isle?" Carlos
" No your not, who will gonna help Mal here?" Ben
" Oh ya we are the one that will going to help Mal"Carlos
" Am so proud of you Mal" Evie
Then Evie hug me
" Mal it's going to be fine and also your coronation will be tomorrow already Mal" Evie
Evie's right it will be tomorrow so I can change it already.
" Fine I will do it" Mal
" Yes!" Evie, Jay and Carlos
" Thank you Mal" Ben
I see Ben looks so happy when I just say yes to him then he hug me. Did I just do this for good? Or did I choose bad?.
* Next Morning *
* Coronation *
Carlos POV
I can't believe it Mal will become a queen today!. Inhale and exhale Carlos just chill Mal is your friend and you will support what is for her.
" Jay" I said to Jay as he enter the door.
" What?" Jay
" You know that today is Mal's coronation today,right?" I ask him, I think he forgot it.
" Oh ya I forgot it dude, sorry"
" When it's the coronation by the way?"
" I don't know let's ask Ben"
" Okay"
Then we go out and looking for Ben, when we past the hall where Mal's 18th birthday. We see lots of people who are preparing for the celebration.
" Ben!" Jay
" Guys, wait a sec" he said to the planner and go over us.
" What's up" Ben
" When is the coronation by the way?" Carlos
" Afternoon 5:00 pm why?"
" Because you didn't tell us when is the celebration" Jay
" Sorry guys, I need to go back. See you later?" Ben
" Ya see you later" Carlos
Then we left and go to Mal's bedroom to check them out.
* Mal's bedroom *
As we enter to their room I see Mal and Evie and the other girls are so busy.
" Oh I think we should go back later" I said and go back but Mal said
" No, am guys can you just leave for awhile" Mal
" Okay later Mal, hi Jay" said to the girl you know what many girls had a crush on Jay. Am not saying am jealous, okay?.
" So what's​ up?" Mal
" Mal if your going to become a queen are you going to leave us?" I ask her, I know that is a stupid question.
" Carlos, Mal will not going to leave us she's our friend. Okay so don't think about that" Evie
We sat down to Evie's bed and while Jay is just standing.
" Guys, I will not going to leave you or forget you, you are my friends and also I think your going to stay at Ben's castle" Mal
" Really?! We are going to stay at Ben's castle" Evie
" I don't know yet but.... I think so" Mal
" Ya right" Jay
" Remember cause we're rotten to the......." Mal
" Core" All of us
" You know what I will continue what am doing" Evie
" Also we better get going see you later" Jay
" See you later guys" Carlos
Evie's POV
" Okay okay girls here's your dress's" I said and am give the dress's to them, gosh this is so hard many girls are here just to get there dress's.
" Okay this is the last"
" Mal here's your dress"
I get hers and gave it to her.
" Thanks​ Evie"
" No time to wast M, go now and change go go"
While Mal is changing I have the suites for the boys I went out for a sec but when I see Doug I let him distribute​ the suites because am going to change first and once and for all girls had many things to do when it's time to change while boys, they are just going to change and comb there hairs and done.
When I enter the room I see Mal is already done changing wwwk and she looks gorgeous.
" Evie am done"
" Mal your so gorgeous well am must get changed also after we will have your make up, okay?"
" Okay"
Mal's POV
As Evie's​ changing I look myself to the mirror and when I see myself I feel like
" Am I gorgeous?" I ask myself
" Of course you are Mal" Evie said I was shock when she just said that.
" Do I Evie?"
" Of course, well lets have our make up and change our hair styles"
" I will do the hair styles" I remind her
After she put some make up in my face then after the make up I do the hair styles.
" There that's perfect and now for the hair styles"
Then I get my spell book and turn the page where is written.
" Beware for swear replace the old with cool hair"
Then our styles change but still it's our new look but the styles only.
" You ready?" I ask Evie
" Wait the accessories"
She put wirings in my ears and also her and I look again to the mirror now I admit it I look gorgeous.
" Let's go you don't wanna be late"
When we go out already we see Jay and Carlos is waiting for us.
" Wow!" Jay and Carlos said it
" Come on" I said and​ grabbed Jay's shoulder and while Evie is with Carlos.
When we were outside we see many people are standing and when they look at us they are so happy to see us.
Then Evie, Jay and Carlos go with here partner's while me I don't know.
I was just standing and the people congratulate me as the new queen and I see Ben and his parents walks towards me.
I show respect to them but the beast don't let me.
" Mal you don't need to that anymore you are going to be a queen already" Beast
" Am sorry"
" It's okay, Mal am so happy for you. I know that you are going to be a good queen Mal I know that" Belle said and also she hug me
" We will leave you two" Belle said and they left us, just me and Ben.
" Nervous?" Ben ask me
" Ya a little it's not easy to be one of it Ben"
" Ya that's my feelings​ before when I was crowd to be the king and Mal am so happy for you" he said and also hug me.
" Let's go your crown awaits for you" Ben said and do the paw.
" Come on" I said and ride again the same thing we ride before.
* Coronation *
Oh my gosh am super nervous already it's my very first time to do this kinda thing.
" Ready?" Ben ask me
" Of course" I said and he go down first and assist me from going down.
Then after he assist me, he left me in the stair case going to the entrance.
Okay Mal just breathe then I walk and I see many people watching at me. And also my heart beats fast, gosh am so nervous already weird right because am the daughter of Maleficent and I think they can't forget about what happened at Ben's coronation.
When I was already at the front I see
Evie, Jay and Carlos smiling at me.
I see Evie doing the thumbs​ up.
While Jay and Carlos is just smiling at me.
" As we all gathered around for Mal's coronation and for the special celebration for Mal, do you Mal take this crown and will be the next queen of Auradon?" Fairy Godmother said and ask
" I swear"
" Then it's my duty to bless our new queen"
Then Fairy Godmother place the crown on my head but there's something happens........


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