Chapter Fourteen

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I laid alone in bed, coldness hugged me tightly as I sighed. I turned to see the alarm showed a deem four AM. I sighed again, Taylah fall asleep in Craig's room. They are secretly dating and I am the only one who knows at this point. They are from different gangs for one and well, we happened to be a enemy in more than one way.  

My fingers ran over the smooth owl shape locket, a small smile forming at the boy who held my heart, he held it after he fought for so long to have it. His little face and brown eyes had me falling but I couldn't admit it until his lips brushed against mine one afternoon.

I remember his small frame running out from around the corner, to catch me, he halted to a stop in front of me. Saving us from clashing but I felt his heavy breathing against my lips as his softly touched mine. We dared not to move. That was the day he made me melt and my heart skip, the one and only boy to have a effect on the stubborn girl who only showed emotions towards Taylah. 

The door slowly squeaked open sending a sudden rush through me, I bounced up to see Vanoss in his mask. "What did I do now?" I groaned, flopping back onto the bed. 

"Nothing. Yet. But I need you to come for a drive with me, just further up the mountain we have a few things to discuss." I groaned in annoyance as he sighed, "Or I can inform everyone on Craig and Taylah, now lets go before I change my mind."

The sound of my brother and best friend names rolled off his tongue scared me, quickly I jogged beside him towards the car. The nights breeze was cold, freezing to the touch, as we made our way outside. I wore a tank top and long cotton pants, hardly protecting me from the cold yet Vanoss wore a jumper and pants. I guess he couldn't sleep then.

Silently I hoped into the car, the engine purred as Vanoss started it up. The radio was switched off as we drove up the hill. My eyes trailed over to Vanoss, his body was stiff, knuckles almost white on the steering wheel. I dared not to ask afraid of the answer.

It was five minutes later and we were parked at the top of the mountain. Carefully I stepped out and waited for Vanoss, He walked out of the car and sat on the grass. He patted the spot next to him, nervously I sat down only to gasp at the view of Los Santos. 

"Can you tell me about Evan?" Vanoss forced out. 

I bit my lip and sighed. "Well he was the only boy I ever fall for. The others tried but I never changed my heart but Evan, my sweet boy, he pushed daily to reach my heart and no matter how many times I rejected him... he would run straight back. Day after day I saw his eyes sparkle with determination. I soon started to fall but I would never have admitted it but one day I remember this day so clearly because it's the day he made me completely fall for him. Evan was running to catch me but only to almost crash into me, quickly he stopped but he ended up letting our bodies being squished together while our lips were brushed against each other. My heart skipped a beat then melted. After that day I accepted the small flowers and gifts until he finally asked me out, it was cute." 

I wiped the tears threatening to spill, Vanoss sat there quietly. "Evan didn't change over the years at all, I gave him this specially made locket with the photo of our Halloween party. He was an owl, it was his animal and I went as a cat. He called me his kitten." I laughed at the memory. 

"I will admit to this day, I still feel for him and wish I could see him more mature because the innocent he held back then won't be there now yet I would love to see how the boy I fall for grew into a man. He promised he would have all the money in the world to please me yet I only wanted him. I still only want him..." I broke into tears. 

Two arms wrapped around me, Vanoss lifted me into his lap. Rocking back and forth. "Hey, it's okay." Vanoss whispered in my ear. 

"How about I tell you a story of a girl I once knew and loved. She was stubborn as hell but that made me want her more, I got her but she left leaving me. I was weak, I wanted to be strong and rich when we found each other again so I could finally look after her. I think I might have found her but I can't scare her yet." Vanoss stated as he stared out over Los Santos. 

"Well I hope it works out, even though you piss me off and anger me... you still have some good inside you, maybe she could see that." I sighed as I wiped my face. "I hate how my life is, dangerous. Working for my dad and moving all the time. I wish I could settle down some times but the danger gives me a rush when it isn't a job for my dad but something I wanted instead. Like when I helped the angels or when I saved the innocent people in the strip club. I could have died but the lives of those who don't deserve to die are worth dying for."

"Like one said. A man may live long, yet live very little. Satisfaction in life depends not on the number of your years, but on your will. The more you do Kat is the more you live, do things for yourself and the ones you hold close." Vanoss whispered.

His chin rested on my head, "I only ruined your private conversation with Craig because when the venom gang showed up I thought you were lying about being his family and was going to hurt him, I did it to protect one of my brothers but I didn't know it was your fathers gang."

I smiled softly, "I guess we all make mistake out of love or for it, I got Taylah caught by wanting to see my brother and she got herself caught trying to save me. Yet with mistakes comes promises. Taylah found love with Craig, I created a new gang for the angels which my be a mistake but something good as well. I got to see another side of you Vanoss because of everything and I am thankful for that." I yawned out. 

My eyes flattered close, as I leaned on Vanoss chest. "And I got to see you like this, rest up." Vanoss whispered. "At least I know who you are now." 

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