Finding Suga

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It was the weekend and I get a call from Rap  monster, "Whats up?" I asked him, when he answers my question all I heard was pure fear. "I have no clue where Suga is, he was at my place last night and he just up and left in the night! Please help me and the guys find him!" Rap monster begs me, of course I'd want to find him! "Yes! Meet me at the cargo, I'll be there!" I tell rap mon and he hangs up, I find my bike and I quickly make my way to the hangout. Rap monster was already there. "Okay do you have any idea where he'd go?!" I asked panicked, j-hope, V, jimin, jin, and jungkook were there. "Maybe a piano store?" V says making everyone look at him with shock as if they didn't think of that in a million years. "Me and (y/n) will check the music store, you guys look around for any other type of piano or music store! Let's go!" Rap monster says taking my hand and running to his car and all the others do the same. We arrived at the local music shop, there was a glass door and a hole in it like someone broke in. Someone did, I get out of the car first and I run into the store to hear someone playing a piano being played beautifully. I look all over the store and I found Suga in the back room playing a black piano. His back was towards me and I just stood there until Rap monster came in and I tapped Suga on the shoulder. "Why did you break in here?" I asked him, He looked over his shoulder to look at me and smirked. "I can't help myself, I love to play." He says to me, I smiled at him but soon I grabbed Suga's arm and ran out of the music store when I heard sirens. We made it out without the police noticing, luckily there was no security camera's so they won't arrest Suga. Rap monster dropped Suga and I off at the cargo. "Hey (y/n)...Can I ask you something?" Suga asks me, I nodded as I try to find the right key on the piano. "Will you...will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me,I froze still and I started to blush. "Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend." I say getting up and kissed Suga, I broke the kiss to sit down with him. It was nice to be with him and be a part of his life, Suga put his arm around me and I laid down giving Suga an idea to cuddle me. I fell asleep on the pillows but about an hour later I hear someone honking outside the cargo, "It's my sister, I'll see you at school?" I ask him giving him a quick kiss on his cheek. "Yeah, see you then." He says kissing me on the cheek and I leave. I tell my sister about what had happened like usual and she approved of us being a couple. Thank god

-next chapter-

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