up late

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I had slept threw the whole day and suga not my sister didn't dare wake me up, I wasn't a morning person in the first place. I woke up around nine pm to see my room was pitch black, I grabbed my phone and I was blinded by the light. I looked around the room to see suga's clothes scattered about and I sighed, I rubbed my eyes and called out of my sister and suga. No one answered, I got up and my feet met the cold floor, I opened the door and looked down the hallway toward the living room. The living room light was on and to my surprise, I see suga sleeping on the couch with his phone on the coffee table and he was wrapped up in a soft blanket. My sister was asleep on The rocking chair with the T.V playing nightmare on elm Street, I love scary movies so I sat near suga's feet and watched it. Funny enough I was laughing at the creepy parts cause although it is super creepy it was cheesy as well, "RA!" Suga says grabbing my waist making me scream and he started laughing his ass off and I was blushing so bad it looked like I was the red Queen from Alice in wonderland. "Suga you little!!" I said playfully hitting him as he still laughed, I wasn't very shocked to see my sister still asleep. "It's almost ten babe... Let's head to bed." Suga said getting up but I grabbed his hand before he took a step,"babe can we at least finish the movie? Please?~" I begged and he gave in sitting back down wrapping his arm around me, I was slowly dazing of and my eyes became heavy as the movie went on. I fall asleep on suga's shoulder and he rests his head on mine. I soon woke up to see that I was in my room and locked in suga's embrace which was calming and sweet, "hmm...suga?" I quietly asked him, all I got out of him was a soft sigh which I felt on my back. "Suga, baby." I said again but a tiny bit louder, "hmm...." Suga said and I sighed. "When did the movie end?" I asked him and he moved his arm away from me to rub his eyes, "about... Two hours ago." He said, so it's around maybe twelve or eleven. "Okay... I'm happy your here with me baby." I said looking over my shoulder smiling at him, the moon lit the room up only a little but enough for him to see me looking at him. "I'm happy I'm here to beautiful... You know I'd never let anyone hurt you, if anyone did hurt you I'd make them sorry that they ever thought about touching you." Suga says rubbing my arm and I nodded, "I love you so much (y/n), you know that right?" Suga says, "of course I know that. You mean the world to me." I said turning my head toward him and I kiss him. "It's late. Let's go to sleep now." suga says kissing my cheek and I closed my eyes, again like before, right before I fell into my dream world I heard suga say something. "I couldn't live without you..."
He's sweet just like sugar...

-next chapter-

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