Nine: Sweet Cheeks Invades My Home Again

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"Why the hell are you in my apartment this time?" I asked/yelled at the problematic boy. Maybe he forgot he lived across the hall.

"Is Sky still here?" He asked, ignoring my question.

"Why do you care?" I snapped back, crossing my arms.

"Look, I just want to-" He started but I cut him off.

"I don't care what you want. I want you to get out of my apartment. Now." I told him. He doesn't deserve to talk to my best friend. Not now, not ever.

"Listen, Hot Stuff. Just let me-" He started to say with an attitude. I might take it from Sophia, but I sure as hell won't take it from him.

"No, you listen, Sweet Cheeks." I spit back. "You do not come into my home after being the worst date to my best friend and go off demanding to see her."

"Oh please!" Zack scoffed, crossing his arms as well. "I bought her dinner!"

"Oh, so that makes up for checking out other girls?" I asked, stepping towards him. "Last I checked, you don't do that. You pay all your attention to the girl you asked out." My finger was out and pointing at him like I was a mother scolding her son.

"You obviously don't know the whole story." He snapped back, stepping towards me as well.

"Oh, please enlighten me!" I yelled. "Tell me how Sky was so horrible you paid almost no attention to her!" I was angry. I know Sky. She wouldn't act horribly on any date.

Zack opened his mouth but closed it after nothing came out. He didn't have an excuse and he knew it. His face was turning red, either from embarrassment or anger. I had no doubt mine was as red as a stick of dynamite.

"Exactly. She didn't do anything wrong. You did." I sneered, poking his chest.

He grabbed my wrist with my finger still out and pushed it away. "Don't poke me." He said, clearly irritated.

"I'll do whatever the hell I want. You don't like it, get out." I told him, pointing to my door. "And while you're at it, get the damn nail out of my door!" I finished off yelling again.

"Just let me see Sky!" He almost yelled in my face. He was so close I could smell his nasty breath. His green eyes were piercing my blue ones.

"Why do you want to see her so badly? You made it obvious you don't care about her." I pointed out.

"Because, unlike you, she's actually nice so I wanted to apologize!" He was getting angry now. I could hear it in his voice.

Not gonna lie, that took me off guard. Zack didn't seem like the apologetic type. I still wasn't sure if I could trust him.

"But never mind! If apologizing means I gotta deal with you, forget it!" He finished off loudly.

He turned on his heel and walked away from me. When he left, he slammed the door so hard I felt the vibrations in my feet. Overreacting much?

I let out a sigh of relief. Zack slamming the door reminded me of fights I had with my parents, but I shook that off. It was over now.

"He's gone," I said, loud enough for the two to hear from my room.

"Naomi?" Sky said as if she didn't know if I was me or not. "Are you okay?" She asked me.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked in return.

"It just seemed like it was serious. There was a lot of yelling..." It seemed as if she was tiptoeing around the subject.

"I'm fine. I'm used to it, remember?" I asked, referring to the many fights I've had with my parents and even Sophia's dad. Sky knew about them. She knows what I've been through.

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