Fourteen: Sleepy Elevator Rides

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"He what!?" Sky yelled through the phone. I pulled the phone away from my ear to keep from losing my hearing. "How did this even happen? Why did this even happen?" She questioned me with interest.

I took a deep breath and said, "I'm not sure. I was just walking him out and it's like we were surrounded by a different... atmosphere, I guess?" I tried to explain the feeling but it was pointless. "Look, I'm just as surprised as you are."

"What did you do after?" She asked eagerly.

"We said goodnight and parted ways." I shrugged.

"I should've known nothing spicey would've happened." Sky complained.

"Sorry, am I not living my love life up to your standards?" I asked sarcastically.

"You're too much of a good girl now to do anything off of a whim." Sky commented. "But I guess that's for the better with Sophia around." She concluded.

I sighed and said, "You know the girl I once was wouldn't make it out of her teens."

"Thank God for that," Sky mumbled. "Who cares who you once were. I dig the responsible version of you. Gives me an excuse to be the irresponsible one." She joked.

I laughed with her and then looked at the time. "I really should be getting ready for bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I said. Sky said goodnight and hung up.

I plugged up my phone on its charger and turned my side table lamp off. Not a minute after trying to fall asleep, my phone buzzes from an incoming text.

Z: Does the ass across the hall kiss well? ;)

I rolled my eyes but smiled at the message from Zack. I sent back a quick reply saying it needed work, knowing it would hurt his ego.

Z: I guess you'll have to show me the proper technique then.

Even though I was alone, I couldn't hold down the blush. Of course, he would come back with a smooth reply like that.

N: That implies you thought I was the better kisser. Didn't think your thick head would allow that.

Z: My thick head can't stop thinking about that kiss.

That message held no playful sarcasm like the previous ones. It held solid truth. And, if I'm being honest, that kind of honesty from Zack was rattling.

I sent him a good night text and switched my phone to silent. However, I knew I wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight.


My alarm blared me awake and I groaned. I only got four hours of sleep thanks to stupid Zack and his stupid lips. It made me smile last night but now I'm just grumpy.

I woke Sophia up and made us breakfast. After our eggs and toast, we parted ways to get ready for the day. Before I changed, I poured myself an extra cup of coffee. I had a long day ahead of me and little sleep to back me up the whole way through it.

I pulled on some light skinny jeans and threw on my grey hoodie that said Harvard in burgundy across the front. After pulling my hair into a ponytail, I grabbed my phone and made my way back to the living room.

Sophia was laying on the couch, using her bookbag as a pillow.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing? It's time for school, not a nap." I said, effectively waking her back up.

"Sorry, Mommy. I just think I need some candy to wake me up." She said, standing up.

"The candy you ate last night is what made you so tired today," I told her. She probably stayed up as late as me from all the candy she had. "C'mon. We gotta go."

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