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(Sorry about the chapter mix up for the previous chapters, it should be okay now :)) )

Grayson POV:

I walked upstairs to go see if Ethan was okay, I felt bad for him, he didn't ask to be a vampire. When that night happened, there was nothing we could do to stop this curse.

"E? Are you oka-" I heard crying and screaming coming from his room, fuck this was bad. "Ethan? Open the door buddy," I said, trying to open the door in which he locked.

"Get away from me Grayson, I want fuck all from you," he shouted, his voice cracking. I shoved my arm into the door and it opened eventually. I couldn't see Ethan in his room, I heard a movement in the bathroom next to his room, I ran over.

"Ethan! No!" I shouted, grabbing his arm, blood was everywhere, he couldn't look at me, keeping his head down. "Why are you doing this Eth?! You're a mess, I know you don't like this life, but it's here now, you need to treat it like normal and adjust to it, because nothing is going to change this. Do you understand me?!" I said, he nodded, still not daring to look at me. I lifted his head up with my finger, his eyes were blood shot and puffy and his face was tear stained. I started to get upset again. I got his arm and ran it under the cold tap, washing away all the blood. You may be asking why am I not attracted to his blood, vampires have a different scent, a scent that is like death to the nose, it smells like rotting food.

"Grayson...I spoke to Daya when we were doing that study thing, she's scared of me Gray, I never wanted any of this. You were the one who wanted a pint of her blood, I never wanted this, everything was just an act for your needs, not mine," he said, voice cracking again. I felt terrible, I put Ethan in this mess and he didn't even want it or deserve any of it. I know he really likes Daya, he's been putting work out pictures on his story so much lately on snapchat, so i'm guessing he added her.

"I'm gonna fix this, I don't need you Grayson. I just want to be a normal teenager, but instead I have to watch her grow old while I stay 17 for eternity," he said, walking out of his bathroom. I ran after him,

"Ethan please wait, i'm sorry okay?"

"Sorry doesn't cut it this time Grayson, this life is too much for me," he said, storming out. My stomach twisted, that sounded suicidal.

Daya POV:

Kathy and I were watching Orange is the new Black when I got a snapchat message from Ethan, butterflies formed in my stomach immediately.


Ethan: Can you come out, I need to talk to you.

Daya: Yeah sure, whereabouts?

Ethan: Near The Grill in 10?

Daya: Okay see you


"Ethan wants to meet me, that's weird and a little scary," I said.

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"Nah i'll be fine, he's only at the grill," I said, putting on my shoes. I grab my hoodie and head to the door,"I'll be back soon, i'll call you if anything happens, i'm also borrowing your penny board," I said, giggling, before she could say anything I slammed the door shut.

I skated into the centre of town and saw Ethan on his phone, sat on a bench outside the grill.

"Hey,"I said, startling him a little.

"Hey, I needed to meet you because I need to talk to you about what I said to you a few days ago," he said, I saw his eyes were bloodshot, his face was dark and stained. "You probably already know this, and I know you do, and I have to say that I am a Vampire."

I stood for a second, I then ran into his arms pulling him into a hug. "What are you doing Daya?"

"You're upset, i'm being nice, please let me," I replied, he hugged me back, burying his face in my neck. He cried into me, letting it all out.

"Thank you, I need this."

"I know, but can you please tell me about this vampire stuff?"

"Yes," we sat on the bench and he held my hand, resting it on my lap, "One night, Grayson, my sister called Cameron and I were at the skatepark, which is what we usually did, this time we decided to go at night, it would be interesting with the park lights shining onto us. 4 men came up to us, grabbing us, one of the men chanted something into Cameron's eyes and she recited it back. She screamed as he stuck his fangs into her, it was a horrible sight. He did Grayson and I was last, I told him to fuck his self and I spat on his face, he got so mad, he didn't chant into my eyes so i'd feel the pain even more, which I did. Cameron and Grayson turned into blood thirsty predators, where as I, I hate this life. This happened 10 years ago, I've been 17 for the past 10 years and I don't like this at all, I want to live my life, get married, have kids, just grow old with someone. When I asked you for a pint of blood and I was acting creepy towards you, it was all an act, all Grayson wants is blood and he thought you were easy so he asked me to ask you for a pint of blood, when you acted scared in that room the other day, you don't understand the guilt I felt, I'm different to my siblings, I want to be a normal human. I'm sorry for what I said, I never wanted any of this, I just wanted to be normal and live a normal life. I have to feed to survive, but my blood intake as cut down. I have a feeding once every 10 days and my siblings have 2 in the space of 3 days. I hurt myself because I hate myself, i'm a mess and I want to change desperately, please help me Daya," he said, I felt him squeeze me hand and he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you for telling the Ethan, please show me your arms," I said, lifting the sleeves of his hoodie.

I saw lines of open cut wounds, the cuts were deep.

"I'm sorry." Is all he could say.

"Ethan it's okay, I believe you, I know this must have been a lot for you to take in, would you like to come back to my friend's house where I am staying tonight, to clear your head?" I said, hugging him tightly.

"Yes, Daya I also want to say, the reason I got upset that you were scared of me is because, I really like you, and I didn't want to fuck it up."

"Really?" I said, lifting his head up to my face. I kissed him lightly, but he carried it on, I felt his fangs come in and I opened my eyes to see his glowing red and black under eyes. I pulled away, startled.


Hey guys, this is a super long chapter but this is probably my favourite so far!

Lemme know if you're enjoying this book and go check out my other book on my page called More Than A Fan which is for the Gray girls out there.


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