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Ethan POV:

Grayson and I roll up to the party at about 8:30, we wanted to be fashionably late. As we stepped out of the Uber, I was hit with the sweet scent of hemp.

I scanned the house for Daya and Kathy, I finally spot them by the bar doing shots, I walked over to them with Grayson, grabbed a shot and downed it. The alcohol burned my throat on the way down, the pain is good and the aftermath is refreshing.

"Hey Eth, like my dress?" Daya said, smirking. I looked her up and down, staring at her ass. I smirked and said,

"Exactly what I said," with a wink, I leaned in closer to her, she came close to my face, teasing me, then she pulled away, giggling.

"Ready to get stoned?" She said, grabbing my hand and Kathy's. Grayson isn't into this stuff, so he won't join us, he goes to the bar to get another round of shots with a group of girls, typical. We head over to where the scent of hemp was coming from, a large group of people were crowded around the dance floor. 4 people waved at Daya, we head over to them and we greet them.

"This is Ethan, this is his first time getting baked, so go easy on him," she said, as a guy with dirty blonde hair digs into his pocket and grabbed a few bags of weed.

"Here you go, you gotta pay up," he said, holding his hand out.

"How much dude?" I said, digging into my pocket.

"$20 a bag," he replied, I handed over the money and he gave us some filters and paper.

Daya showed me how to roll the blunt and she lit it for me, I took a drag and it was amazing, I could feel my whole body relax. Everything in my brain melted away, to pure happiness. I took another drag and another until I had finished the blunt. I looked at Daya, she was still feeling the drugs. Her eyes were bloodshot and her pupils were big.

"Round of shots?" I slurred, she nodded and a wobbled over to the counter.

"Round of shot dude," I said, falling into someone, I turned round and it was Grayson,"Oh hey brahda, i'm havin a great time," what was I even saying, I didn't even care, I was high and didn't have any fucks to give.

"Ethan? You hit it too hard or something?" Grayson chuckled. I nodded and grabbed the tray of shots, heading back over to the girls. When I got there, the dirty blond haired guy had joined us, and he was making out with Daya. I may be high, but my heart broke in two. I slammed the tray on the table in front of us and I stormed back to Grayson.

"We are going bro," I slurred, hiccuping now and then.

"What? Why?" He said confused.

Tears streamed down my face, my eyes stinging from the cold air hitting my eyes as I dragged Grayson out.

"Talk tomorrow, i'm pretty sure i'm too high to talk about what just happened," I said, taking my phone out to call for an Uber, it was already 1am, and I arrived at 8:30, time flies when you're high I guess.

Daya POV:

My cheeks were puffy from the drugs, I felt bad for Ethan, but I am high without a care in the world. I pulled Kathy away from the brown haired boy she was making out with and called for an uber. The time read 4am. How the fuck did that happen?!

We got back to Kathy's and she tried to make a coffee, to sober us both up, she spilt water everywhere and all we could do was laugh. I used the coffee machine instead and headed to my room, passing out as I lay down.


So Ethan finally got high, Graysons a good kid for not being into that stuff :)


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