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        ~Unknown POV~
  "How do you think it's doing?" a hushed voice inquires.

"The creature believes it's normal. It has persuaded itself that it is human. I suppose  we'll have to disturb that peace then." The other voice cackled, it's slithery voice sending shivers down even the bravest of spines.

"How do you suppose we do that? Should we show up and announce, 'THE SUPERNATURAL ARE REAL! COME ONE, COME ALL, TO THE BEST CIRCUS SHOW YOU'VE EVER SEEN!'?  Or should we sneak up on it in it's dreams, so that it thinks it's crazy? While I enjoy a good scare, I don't believe either would be a good idea." Voice number one drawls.

Voice number two smacks number one upside the head, scowling at its  sarcasm. "Do you believe I'm stupid? Of course we can't do that! We must be discreet. We shall find it in a time of need, make it believe we're on its side. Then, when it least expects, we'll capture it, and bring it back to where it came from."

  "That is a beautiful plan, master. I can't wait to put it in action." Voice one smiles hideously, imagining all the different results of this capture.

"Time to wake up into reality, Kiara."

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