Chapter 1: Why me?

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Isabelle's POV

-beep beep beep-
'Agh. What the hell is that?'
I open my eyes to see I am lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to life support and a heart monitor. The sunlight shone through a crack in the curtains onto my beloved Pikachu, Ruby, as she wept in a chair near my bed. I looked to my right to see a sliding glass door and windows lining the walls so I can see into the hallway. Each window is veiled by a set of blinds. A man in black is standing just outside my room next to an orange, furry, dog-like Pokémon, both of their backs turned to the door of my room. I let out a small groan and Ruby looks up and cries both in joy and sorrow as she climbs up and nestles into me. I hold her closely.
"Pika! Pika!" She yelps. I lift my right arm to pet her but cry in pain as tears sting my eyes. I turn to see that it is casted up. Instead I pet her with my left hand as I cradle her.
"Ruby...what happened?" I murmur. The yellow mouse jumped off the bed and pointed toward the door. I look closely enough to notice that the man standing outside is a police officer and the orange Pokémon is an Arcanine. Both are guarding the door to my hospital room. Oh no...It happened again...Ryan! I hope to God they didn't find him! He'll let me have it for sure if I tell!
My thoughts of panic are immediately interrupted as I spot the officer opening the door to my room, allowing a Rotom to enter. As it sees I'm awake, it zooms into a nearby tablet, possessing it.
"Oh! Good to zee you're awake! Zzz!" He exclaims, the tablet lifting off the table and floating beside me. "Name pleazzze, mizzz?"
"Johnson. Isabelle Johnson." I reply. "How did I get here?" I ask as he takes a moment to plug in my information.
"Ah yezzz. A concerned byzztander called an ambulance after they zzzaw you unconsciouzzz and bleeding on a zzidewalk. You indeed got lucky though! The paramediczzz zzaid you were near death!" I sat mortified. Ryan did this to me? He's done it before but it has never been this bad!
"Can you confirm your birthdate for me pleazzze? Zz-zzzt!" I entered in my birthdate, November 16th, 1994, onto the tablet with tears in my eyes.
"Thank you, mizzz, I will azzign Dr. Chazzze to your cazzze!" Rotom said as he left the room. Once he was gone, I lay back in my bed and wept.

Why does Ryan hate me so much?

Chase's POV

"Krzzzt! Dr. Chazzzze!"
I looked up from the table in the conference room, immediately recognizing the call of my lightning bolt-like Pokémon companion.
"What is it, Rotom?"
"You have a new patient here to zee you! Krzzzt! A 22-year old female. She came in lazzzt night, battered and bruizzzed with a broken arm. The hozzpital zzztationed an officer outzzzide her room zzzo she wazzz pozzibly beaten." Before I could get a word out, Rotom zipped into my laptop from the tablet, which dropped into my hands, and loaded up the patients information. I smiled at Rotom. While he is a ball of energy (literally), he is passionate about Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital.
"Isabelle Johnson, huh?" I asked, reading from her file.
"Yezzz." Rotom replied. She'zzz located in Room 632."
"Thank you Rotom." I said, heading out to her room until the ball of energy stopped me by zipping in front of me.
"Can I go on break yet? I'm zzztarving!"
I laughed. "Yes. You've earned it!" I said, reaching into my pocket and pulled out a bag of Poké Beans I had packed for him before leaving the house and handed them to him. He took them eagerly.
"Kzzzrt! Thank you!" He exclaimed before rushing to a nearby Pokémon wing.

My Angel - Chase X OC (Isabelle) - House/Pokémon crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now