Chapter 2: The Broken Girl

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Chase's POV

"Good morning." I say, striding towards the officer stationed outside Room 632. "My name is Dr. Robert Chase. I am Isabelle's assigned doctor."
He glances at my ID badge, nodding and sliding the glass door open for me to enter. I peeked over at the tough-looking Arcanine, who stood silent but focused on protecting the young woman inside.
"Thank you sir." I say as I enter and the door shuts behind me. I look up to see the sleeping girl and gasped in horror. Her right arm was wrapped in a hard cast and her left was wrapped up in blood-soaked bandages. Her left cheek was bruised badly. She seemed very thin for her age possibly due to malnourishment. She had slightly high cheekbones and a small nose along with average sized lips.
My thoughts are interrupted by a crackling noise. I turn to see a yellow mouse charging up and preparing to attack. It's red cheeks lit up as electricity coursed through its body. "Pika pika!!!" It yelped.
"Woah! Calm down, little Pikachu!" I backed up nervously as the sleeping young woman awoke.
"Ruby! No!" She exclaimed. "He's not dangerous! He's a doctor!" The electrical activity ceased at her command and the Pikachu crawled over to her bed as she turned to me. "You're going to have to forgive Ruby; she's very protective."
"Don't worry." I reassured her, looking at her papers, "This wouldn't be the first time I've dealt with a protective Pokémon. So you're Isabelle Johnson. Am I correct?"
"Yes, doctor."
"I'm Dr. Chase. Would you like to tell me what happened to you?" As soon as those words left my lips, her peach-colored face turned pale white like a ghost's. That was when I felt a tug at my lab coat, it was Ruby looking very forlorn. I took her in my arms gently. "Don't worry. We're going to help your owner, okay?" I murmured softly, looking into her brown eyes which were flooded with tears. She reached up with her stubby arms and hugged around my neck.
"Pika..." She cried as I hugged back, looking back over to Isabelle. Tears streamed down her cheeks from her deep oceanic blue eyes and dripped down into her shiny black hair.
"It's okay." I said to the both of them. "We don't need to discuss it now. But I will have a nurse come in to change your bloodied bandages. In the meantime, do you two need anything?"
"I-I'm all set for now," Isabelle answered, stuttering. "B-But I think Ruby could use s-something to eat."
"No problem." I said, turning to the little Pikachu in my arms. "Want some of the hospital's Poké Beans?" She immediately snapped out of her sorrow.
"Pika! Pika Chu!!!"
"I will take her to the cafeteria." I looked over at Isabelle and winked. "In the meantime, you need to rest. Lunch should be coming up for you in a bit.
She blushed, "Thanks, Dr. Chase."
I walked out of the room with the little yellow Pokémon perched on my shoulder. I just couldn't help but notice her wounds again before leaving. There was absolutely no way those were accidental, meaning they were inflicted upon her.

Who did this to her?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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My Angel - Chase X OC (Isabelle) - House/Pokémon crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now