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The punch was a hard one right across the jaw, it was so hard it knocked Harry out and Louis began panicking even more. But not until he had an idea, an idea that only the old Louis would have.


Harry's head was banging. His jaw felt tight but his face felt numb. He felt the opposite of free and the more he came back to his senses, the more he wanted to scream because of the feeling of pain coming back to his body.

He slowly opened his eyes and squinted at the bright light that was directly pointing at his face. He knew his eye was swollen and the memories of why were soon coming back along with the realisation that he was naked and tied up.

He was used to this but it still brought him by surprise and he screamed by instinct only to see a dark shadow which he could only interpret at Louis standing by the doorway of the room Harry was in.

"I knew you couldn't change!" Harry yelled as tears welled up his eyes. His adoration for sexual pain was fading away and now he didn't find this orgasmic but more punishing. Louis didn't know this.

Louis snickered and began walking slowly as he said each word, "I can't change who I am." The door was quite close to where Harry was as the room itself was generally small so the fact that Louis was breathing on Harry's neck once he said the last word wasn't surprising.

Harry let out a shaky breath as Louis' hot breath continued to fan his jaw and he gripped onto the roped that were digging into his wrists.

"Well I've changed," Harry said confidently looking behind Louis to stay concentrated, "I-I don't find pain to be sexually appealing and I don't..." Harry breathed deeply taking a long pause "...I don't love you."

Harry knew he was lying. Louis knew he was lying. Everyone who has read this knew he was lying. Even I know the guy is lying! But hurt flashed across Louis' face and Harry instantly felt guilty but it took all his power to look away with a frown.

Louis sighed and then turned beginning to walk out when Harry yelled after him, "where are you going? Don't leave me here!" But Harry was ignored as Louis silently with a blunt face walked out, closed the door, locked it and his footsteps faded away.

That's when Harry screamed so loud he swore he felt the house shake just a tiny bit. He wasn't just screaming because he was agitated and annoyed at Louis but it was also the fact that the rope was scraping into his skin making him forced to stay in a fixed position because if he moved a stinging pain like no other would rack his body, let's quickly mention that these rough ropes were across his chest, around his ankles and his thighs.

What was wrong with Louis? He just punched him out of nowhere and then tide him up for no reason and just left him here! If he was doing this to tease Harry, it didn't make sense because he explained to Louis that the old Harry would love this but the new Harry was different.

Now he just had to figure out how to get out of this because he knows Louis won't be releasing him anytime soon...


Harry managed to twist his wrist in the rope and untie his hands which meant he was free but his wrists were red and stinging flesh were all over his body. He winced in pained as he tried to quietly walk to the door.

He walked all the way to the bathroom where he was hoping he could get some cold water onto his burning skin and he turned on the tap after locking the door, which had a very confusing lock on it so Louis would never be able to come in without breaking the door down, which was still very difficult because it was fake wood.

He let the water touch his toes and he sighed in relief as he sunk his entire body in the now jasmine smelling lukewarm water.

It was when Harry decided he was cooler that he began having a shower half an hour later when he felt a hand on his hip.

Harry never was as scared as he was at that moment as he screamed and whipped his head around only to be pushed to the tiled wall chest pressed against the foggy white marble tiles.

He then knew he was in deep shit when he felt a hand hold both of his healing wrists and Louis' seducing voice made him want to release right there.

"You escaped, you haven't changed one bit. By the way, you look good in bruises," Louis whispered making Harry whimper when Louis bent down to kiss a forming bruise on his shoulder.

Louis' rasp whispers made Harry shiver  and he couldn't hide his growing erection anymore; first because it was growing at an abnormal pace and second he was naked. Louis obviously saw from behind him and reached down to stroke it making Harry whine and jerk his hips forward.

"You like that?" Louis hummed right next to Harry's ear and licked the hole of it foreshadowing what was to come.

Harry's breath hitched and he couldn't utter a word as Louis began stroking his painfully hard cock while teasing his hole making Harry arch his back so his bum was nice and pronounced. Louis chuckled and bent down somehow picking Harry up and pushing him against the wall.

Harry's legs were draped over Louis' forearms and Harry's back was pressed against the cold tiles. Louis was strong and managed to push Harry up against the wall so his hole was easy to access and Louis' tip pressed against it and without warming he stuck his tongue out making Harry moan and lace his fingers into Louis' damp hair, pulling hard.

"Y-yeah just like- that! Oh fuck f-fuck! Louis!" Harry kept moaning profanities and Louis stopped abruptly and looked up at Harry's now red cheeks and breathless form.

"Call me Daddy," Louis grinned mischievously and Harry let out a shaky breath.

He was back, and Harry knew Louis was worse than before.

Hey guys! Yes I'm very sorry i updated so late but i did mention this was going to be a slow update book, not like the first one where I updated every day.

It was hard to come up with this chapter because I'm trying hard to be original then realising this exact sentence will probably be in another book with 5M reads.

Its not that I'm lazy, its that coming up with new plots and dilemmas for each chapter is getting harder. (Thats what she said haha).

Anyways, i hope you like this chapter! Again I'm sorry for updating so late!

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Love you guys bye!

Psycho Daddy {sequel to Aggressive}[complete]Where stories live. Discover now