THE END pt 2

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"Why give me pain if you say you're in love with me? I liked it before you treated me like shit and took advantage of me. I'm not a toy, I'm you're boyfriend"

Harry would always wonder why he saw a dark figure in his dreams after he met Louis. He wondered that meant but didn't bring the thought to the surface, blinded by Louis' love.

It was on the hospital bed, his mother that disowned him as a child sobbing next to him, that he realised all the things that he missed, the things he hadn't brought to attention because he was too busy paying attention to Louis. His distraction was not the man but the devil that possessed him.

He had seen Timmy before and it was the reason he had so much distaste towards the boy. They were childhood friends.

"No Harry," Louis hissed, "You've never met!"

"We have! He was my best friend!" Harry whisper yelled back.

"How? He is eight! He was born when you were 17 or something-"

"But I remember playing with him and feeding the ducks-"

"Why do you keep talking about ducks?!"

"Just listen!" Harry yelled, pushing Louis out of frustration.

Louis' eyes turns dark. "Did you just push me?"

"N-no," Harry backed away as darkness overwhelmed him, everything disappearing as Louis towered over him.

"Now your lying?"


Harry felt his eyes being covered and he walked in abyss before they were uncovered.

In front of him stood Louis.

But behind him stood Louis as well.

"Louis...?" Harry turned his head, examining the two clones, seeing which one was real and which one was fake. Maybe they were both fake...

"It's me, Harry," The Louis behind him said, outstretching his arms.

"No! Harry don't listen to him! It's me!" The other Louis quickly shouted as Harry began making his way towards him.

There were always two.

One was villian. 

The other was the victim.

Harry had to now find the victim between the two.

"Harry, come here," Louis said with a pout.

"Harry! Please!" The other Louis yelled trying to walk to Harry but being harshly pulled back.

"You," Harry whispered as he began to walk towards Louis who requested him to come to him, "It's you."

"No!" The other screamed as he began to fragment away, his broken pieces flying away as his screams echoed through out the hollow room.

"Wrong," Louis grinned, his eyes turned black as he grabbed Harry, gripping on his shoulder so tight that Harry felt his bones break. 

"Was I ever in love with you?" Harry whispered, tears running down his cheeks as he closed his eyes and opened them again to find himself at the edge of a cliff.

"Babe," Louis said, holding onto Harry's shoulders with a gentle touch, "It's not your fault."

"Everything went wrong after I signed that goddamn contract!" Harry screamed, he grabbed Louis and threw him off the cliff, watching him fall "I could've left you. I would be gone. But you had to bring me back into your disgusting lifestyle!"

He closed his eyes, rubbing them to get rid of the tears that blurred his vision. A voice made him snap his eyes open.

"Harry, Harry, Harry!" Melanie sang as she skipped along the pathway that led to the duck pond. Her hand was secured around Harry's wrist, pulling him along.

"Melanie," Harry breathed, pulling her close. He kissed her nose and hugged her, feeling warmth radiating off her body.

"Did you bring bread?" Melanie asked, getting out of Harry's grasp and leaning up against the bar that kept the duck pond from being vandalised by immature children and rodents.

"No, Louis wasn't ho-"

"Why is it always Louis?" Melanie interrupted and Harry was confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Why can't you love me?!" Melanie voice turned deep and echoed as she yelled, her pupils rolled to the back of her head and she grabbed Harry and pulled him towards her, "Fuck me, please fuck me."

"I don't think that's a good idea-"

"Baby," Harry jolted upwards to the sound of his mother's voice. "You're awake?"

Doctors and paramedics rushed around him, it was all a blur as Harry was taken care off, the miracle of him escaping his coma bringing everyone to tears.

Harry looked around and then spotted a bed just parallel to his. He leaned forward and saw that the person was asleep, a bandage wrapped around their head and-

"Louis! That's Louis! That's my Louis!" Harry began yelling, everyone was so focused on calming Harry down, not bothered to understand what he was saying or what triggered him.

The man, who was in fact Louis, opened his eyes and spotted Harry, giving him a warm smile.

"He's gone," Louis mouthed and Harry's eyes widened as Louis suddenly began regurgitating blood.

"Help him! Look! Can't you see he needs help?" Harry yelled, pushing the Doctor who was trying to help fix his wounds.

"Harry," his mother called, "There's no one there."

Harry looked back and it was true.

His bed was the only bed in this room.



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