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Jim: I'm dead inside
Jim: I demand death
Jim: I wanna buy a plane ticket
Jim: waste all my money on first class so I get the good chips
Jim: and then when we get really high in the air
Jim: I'm gonna jump out of it

Yoongs👏🏻: you can't kill yourself because you walked in on Jungkook and Taehyung fucking

Jim: y tho
Jim: i want to die
Jim: I want revenge

Yoongs👏🏻: and how do you plan on getting revenge

Jim: I got it
Jim: I'm gonna fuckin soak those nerds in water balloons

Yoongs👏🏻: you know
Yoongs👏🏻: I thought this was gonna go some place different
Yoongs👏🏻: but I should've known
Yoongs👏🏻: because it's you who I'm texting

Jim: I'm gonna put koolaid in some
Jim: so it'll feel all sticky and gross
Jim: and they'll just have a bad time
Jim: R E V E N G E

Yoongs👏🏻: you're such a loser
Yoongs👏🏻: but I love you
Yoongs👏🏻: so I support


Yoongs👏🏻: ugh

Meme God {Yoonmin} ^Sequel^Where stories live. Discover now