What do i do?

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Jade's P.O.V

It's been a couple days since Eleanor and I got the boys presents and we are off to Miami today. Chase has been a bit funny since he's got here. I don't know what's wrong with him. I think he likes me. He is always trying to flirt with me, and I swear he winks at me that much that it now looks like he has a twitch in his eye. This morning I have to wake up Calum before showering because I know if I wake him after he won't be ready in time. After a good 10 minutes of waking him up I go for a shower and change into this.


When I'm changed and ready I let Calum have the bathroom and I go out to see Luke. As I turn the corner I bump into someone. "Oh sorry" I say looking up. Great. "No problem gorgeous." Chase says. "Look Chase, I'm with- hey Luke" I get cut off mid sentence by Luke walking up to us. "Hey guys. What's going on?" Luke asks "oh I walked into Jade so I was just apoligising." Chase says. "I'll just leave you too it." Chase says walking away winking at me. For God sake! Stop winking!! "You ready?" Luke asks. "Yeah I just need to get my bag and eat, I'm starving!" I say. "Me too! Let's go eat." Luke says and we go and find something to eat. After we eat we go back to our rooms to grab all our stuff. I go into my room and see Calum fixing his hair. "Okay your going to be on a bus for 18 hours, no one is going to see your hair except me and the other boys. Grab your stuff and let's go." Calum takes my advice and grabs his stuff and so do I, we head outside and see everyone waiting for us. "Finally! We are alway waiting for you two!" Michael yells jokingly. "Well sorry Michael but just remember that I'm a girl, I take a while and Calum takes forever just to fix his hair." I say laughing. "Okay we are all here, let's go!" Niall yells. We all get on our buses and he's off. Everyone gets on the bus and I'm last and like usual Chase has to comment. "Bye beautiful" Chase says. I turn around to face him. "Look, I have had it with your commenting on everything and winking at me all the time! I'm with Luke and let's lead it at that. Please stop!" I say getting on the bus. "You okay?" Ashton asks. "Yeah in fine" I say walking past him to the table. I put my duffle bag on the table and bring out my books, laptop, and pencil case. "You have homework?" Calum asks. "Yeah, I brought my books just incase I would get homework and I did and seeing this is and 18 hour bus trip u my as well get it all done now." I say. "Good choice. What subjects are they?" He asks. "I have chemistry, biology, maths and history." I say. "Oh little miss smarty pants here doing two sciences!" Michael says sitting at the table across from mine. "That's my girl" Luke says kissing my cheek. "Aw! My sister is a smart cookie!" Ashton yells. "Damn straight!" I say and we all laugh. They all let me do my work and go do their own thing. Okay let's start on chemistry, that's the hardest.

After about an hour I finally finish chemistry and move onto Biology. What the fuck is this shit! I don't eve know this! "Ugh!" Oh did I say that out loud? "Need help babe?" Luke asks. "Do you know anything about Bio?" I ask putting my head on the table. "Jade, let me see. Yeah I know this stuff I did it last year." Luke says. Lifesaver! Luke sits next to me and helps me with my work. It takes about two hours. One hour to explain, one hour to get it right. "Thank you Luke! You are a lifesaver!! Love you!" I say giving him a hug and a quick peck in the lips before starting history. Stupid Mr. Matthews wants me to right a 1000 word essay on world war 2. Let's get started then. I grab my laptop and my phone buzzes, I check it and it's twitter. Calum posted a picture of Luke helping me with my work an captioned it "aww cuties!! <3 @Luke5SOS @Jade_Granger

I favourited it an retweeted it and started my essay. This is going to take a while. I got through about one paragraph and my phone was buzzing like a mad man. I checked it, it was twitter. I had people following me, mentioning me in tweets and everything like that. Great, the hate is starting! I turn my phone off so I can finish my homework.

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