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(Alan is on stage, pacing back and forth, mumbling things. Sarah enters, angry.)

SARAH: Alan! You can't keep doing this to her!

ALAN:(Surprised) What? Who?

SARAH:(Huffs) Alice! You can't keep giving her Roldipt! It's poisoning her mind! I just went to check on her, all I said was that she had been sleeping and she lashed out at me! You're confusing her emotions!

ALAN:(Chuckling) Oh, Sarah, please, you and I both know that's not the case. This isn't my fault. This is just who she is. Roldipt is what's helping her.

SARAH:(Scoffs)You're mad...

ALAN: On the contrary-

SARAH: Shut it, will you?(Storms off stage)

ALAN:(Laughs quietly) Sarah! Get back in here!

SARAH:(Enters, irritated) What do you want now?

ALAN:Go get Alice. (Sarah exits) I'll show you it's helping her.

SARAH:(Enters with a confused Alice)

ALAN:Thank you Sarah, you may go.

SARAH:What do you mean "You can go."? She's my patient just as much as she is yours.

ALAN:Sarah, I don't think you understand, I'm her Doctor, you're her nurse.

ALICE:(Trying to interrupt Alan and Sarah's bickering) Um-

SARAH:Well I never!

ALAN:Goodbye, Sarah.(Starts guiding her offstage)

ALICE:Hey, guys-

SARAH:UGH!(Pushes past Alan.) I'm staying here.

ALAN:(Huffs and walks back to Alice) Hi, Alice. How are you feeling?

ALICE:(Surprised) I-I w-well, I-fine, I guess...

ALAN:Good to hear. (Smiles)

ALICE:Um, so,(beat) why am I here?

ALAN:Oh right!(Walks offstage and back on with a bottle and cup)

ALICE:Wait! Wait! Wait! I already took my medicine today!(Backing away from Alan)

ALAN:I know, but you can thank Sarah for not believing in it.(Side glance at Sarah)

ALICE:Wait, what? Not believing in it? What are talking about?

ALAN:(Smugly) Sarah thinks that the Roldipt is what's making you sick.

ALICE:That's just crazy! Of course it's working!(Laughs)

SARAH: Alan! Don't you dare!

ALAN: That's what I tried telling her! Anyways, we usually give about 20 mL to you, but, if we were to double it, you'd get better faster!

ALICE:(Confused) Isn't that dangerous?

SARAH: Very!

ALAN:(Nonchalantly) No, you'll be fine! (Hands her the cup)

SARAH: Alan! You can't be serious! That could kill her!

ALAN: Be quiet, Sarah!

SARAH: Alan! She could die!

ALICE: What?

ALAN: Don't listen to her! You know you'll be fine! You know you'll feel better!

SARAH: Alan, stop tricking her like that!

ALAN: Like what?

SARAH: (mocking Alan) "You know. You know. You know."

ALAN: (irritated sigh)

ALICE: (Takes the cup slowly and drinks it.) There, done.

ALAN: Good! You can return to your room now! (Smiles)

ALICE: (Awkwardly) Okay... (exits)

(Lights fade)

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