Arranged marriage to Mr Billionaire Chapter 24 Part 2

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Arranged marriage to Mr Billionaire

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Final Chapter 24 Part 2

Recap on Final Chapter 24 Part 1

"I need to talk to you, let Ben go he knows he's way around" Lucinda spoke her voice sent shivers down my spine. I looked at Ben putting him down outside Lucinda's door, 

"Ben baby go to the living room Daddy is there, I'll be there in a minute okay?" I said kissing him in his hair he nodded his head I turned back around walking back into Lucinda's room she patted her bed I sat at the end of her bed, she switched the T.V off looking at me her face unsmiling.

Final chapter 24 Part 2

I moved to her side sitting on the far end of her king sized bed I sat facing her she had this threatening expression on her face like she loathed me. I clutched her duvet, frankly quite frightened we stared each, I waited for her to explain her strange behaviour. Slowly she moved her old bones cracking in the process she lifted an empty syringe that had a small about of a blue substance at its tip, she looked back up at me a evil smirk on her face, what was wrong with this women?

"This was one of the most deadliest poisons in the world, it kills a person in ninety-six hours, four days after its been consumed, it's hardly ever used because it takes too long to kill so making it very rare to come by and even more atypical to find its antidote, in fact two people in the entry world have it, one man that lives in Germany and the other person your staring at her" She spoke fiddling with the empty syringe, her words were freaking me out, "you're probably wondering why I'm telling you this" I nodded my head not wanting to hear the answer, my body felt numb and cold her words making the temperature on my skin drop degree by degree, "well Nefertari I'm sorry, but I really have to do this if my grandson can't be with you then no other man can."

"What are you talking about? What have you done to Blade? And what do you mean this was one of the most lethal poisons?" My voice quivered had she poisoned Blade, my body started to shake from fright, I wanted to hurl at her but my body was just frozen from the words she had spoken.

"Do you actually think that I would hurt my own nephew? Nefertari dear I would never hurt my own, but on the other hand I'd kill anyone that upsets or harms my grandson. Lucky for you you've done both, as well as your parents" she spat out, I looked at her in disbelief what happened to that nice old lady that saved my life, helped my mother through her pregnancy then raised my orphaned little brother.

"Lucinda what's wrong with you? What's happened to you? You saved my life and raised my brother, where's all this killing business coming from?" I was in incredulity, was she sick? "Lucinda you need help" I moved forward my fingers extended to her hand in sympathy, she jerked her hand back looking at me in disgust I stood moving to the door.

"Where do think you're going?" she said getting out of her bed,

"To get you some help" I stated I touched the door which was already open slightly,

"Don't you want to know who's going to die within the next four days?" she laughed when I quickly turned around, walking towards her standing in front of her face, one thing we had in similar I would go to any length to keep the people I love safe.

"You bitch, if you dare touch anyone I love I'll have your ass in jail" I took a step back before I slapped her; she laughed at my threat absent-mindedly.

"You're in no position to create threats against me, if you're not gone within ninety-six hours Ben won't get his antidote causing him a very painful death, his immune system will stop working after that his bones will start to crumble inside him, then he'll start coughing up blood and puking his own meat from inside his body..."

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