Meet the Parents Pt.1

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Ryan's pov
We have a day off tour today so I am flying into Vegas to see Alexia. Apparently I am meeting her parents. I only took a carry on bag because I was only going for the weekend. Of course that's all we have before we jump into shows every night for a month. But it's ok because I at least get to see Alexia today. I have my headphones in listening to music as the plane takes off. I love flying, it gives me such a rush. I feel like I'm defying gravity. At least 15 people came up to me as I was on the plane asking for an autograph or a picture. It's kind of awkward for me because I don't leave the tour bus reading to take a million photos that will be posted on a million different social media platforms. Once everyone on the plane who knew who I was came up to me I was finally able to relax and worry about meeting Alexia's parents. I am really happy she asked me to meet them because we haven't been in a relationship that long. I fall asleep listening to Skinny Lover by Bon Iver thinking about how this is going to go.
      I wake up to the commotion of everyone getting g off the plane. I shoot Alexia a text telling her I'm getting off the plane.
Me: Hey babe I just landed :)
Babe: ok I will meet you at baggage claim
Babe: by the way my mom insisted on coming with me so be prepared
Me: ok, I'll see you in a bit
I mentally prepare myself for all the questions Mrs. Dayton will be asking me on the ride to her house.
     I finally get off the plane and head straight towards baggage claim even though I don't have any baggage to claim. As soon as I see Alexia in the crowd I walk faster trying my best not to run. Alexia and I make contact and I drop my backpack and run towards her. She jumps in my arms and I hug her like there's no tomorrow. I missed her so much.
"I've missed you so much baby"
"I've missed you too Ry" her voice being muffled because her face is buried in my neck. I pull her in front of me and kiss her. She smiles and me and intertwines her fingers with mine. I grab my bag off the floor and head to the parking garage "My mom is waiting in the car, she's driving so we can sit backseat" she tells me
"Ok" I say running my free hand through my hair
"Babe don't worry she'll love you, I mean how could anyone not love you"
"You obviously haven't seen the Panic! fandom" I laugh. She just shakes her head and walks towards what I assume the car she came in. I open her side for her and then get in by the other door.
"Ah you must be Ryan!" Mrs. Dayton says as we get in the car looking back at us through the rear view mirror.
"Yes it's very nice to meet you Mrs. Dayton" I respond
"Oh please don't call me Mrs. Dayton, call me Heather" she says waving me off. I smile as she starts the car. Alexia leans into me and I wrap my arm around her. She soon falls asleep. I see Mrs. Dayton watching me in the mirror. I kiss the top of Alexia's head smiling at the sight. "You love her" I hear Mrs. Dayton says
"What?" I say in surprise
"You love her. I can tell by the way you look at her" she smiles
"You're right I do" I say admitting it out loud for the first time ever.
"She loves you too, all she ever does is talk about you"
"She's amazing" I state
"So Ryan tell me about yourself" Mrs. Dayton says changing the subject
"Well what do you want to know?" I ask
"Well what do it do for a living Alexia never mentioned." I was surprised she never told her mom.
"I'm in a band called Panic! at the Disco. I'm the guitarist we are currently on tour" I say awkwardly
"Ah I see, what about your family?"
"What about them?"
"Has Alexia ever met them?" She asks
"No and I intend on it staying that way" I tell her regretting it as soon as it leaves my mouth.
"Whys that?" I haven't even told Alexia about my family and now I'm telling her mother about them.
Alexia's pov
I wake up as my mom and Ryan are talking.
"Ah I see, what about your family?" Mom asks
"What about them?" Ryan responds
"Had Alexia ever met them?"
"No and I intend on it stay that way" I was surprised by this. I know that Ryan thinks I'm asleep but that's still unexpected. I feel like I'm taking this relationship more seriously than Ryan is. I can't believe this.
"Well my father, he-" Ryan stops for a shaky breath "He was abusive, when my mom died he would beat on me everyday" What! "So much that ended up in the hospital almost every month for a broken bone. My dad even more than me with alcohol poisoning. I wrote a song about those hospital visits. I ended up running away when I was 16 and moved in with my best friend and band members Brendon." I never would have thought that. How could anyone hit their child it makes no sense! Why would you do that to something you created! I was revolted. Why didn't Ryan tell me? All these questions ran through me head. I opened my eyes and looked at Ryan. I mean I knew something happened to him based off of the song Camisado but I wasn't sure what.
"Why didn't you tell me" I ask abruptly
"I wasn't ready to share" he told me
"But it just told my mom!" I exclaim
"Did you want me to lie to her! I told her because she asked" he tells me.
"I wish I knew" I say still looking at him.
"There's nothing you could have done and I will never let you near him ever" he tells me. He sounded very protective. He pulled me comer into him as if he were trying to shield me from something. His warm body made me feel safe from everything. He made me feel safe from the world.
"Good, I don't want her near that monster. And Ryan" my mom says
"I'm glad you're ok," he nods. Maybe this weekend won't be too bad after all. Hopefully.
An: 7 MILLION YEARS LATER I UPDATE!!!! I re wrote this chapter and I liken this a lot more ham he Edit I made months ago. Anyways I hoot oh enjoy! I how you got the reference I made in here. Comment if you think you know what it was. Anyways I should be sleeping it's two am on a school night so night and ily
- Mags

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2017 ⏰

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