Somethings Shouldn't Be Said Aloud...

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Chapter 3- Somethings Shouldn't Be Said Aloud...

"Fratellino!!" Lovino yelled up the stairs in the Italians' house. "Hurry up or we're leaving without you!!"

Sunny shot down the stairs, past his brother and straight out the door arriving at their car before they did.

"What's taking you two to so long?" The youngest Italian called out with a smile. "Hurry up or we're going to be late!"

"What's he so excited about?" Lovino asked as he watched his little brother get in the back seat of the car.

"It's his first day of school." Feliciano reminded. "What's not to be excited about?"

"The fact that it's his first day of school..."

Feliciano chuckled and got in the passenger side. "Don't be such a grump fretello."

Lovino rolled his eyes and sat in the driver's seat.

"Can we get going now?" Sunny asked, eagerly. "Please, please, please!"

"Calm down." The driver said. "It's school, not the circus. You can afford to be late."

"Don't tell him that, Grande Fretello!"

"Circus, school...Doesn't matter. Let's go!!" Sunny said. "Come on. Come on."

"I'm going. I'm going...Geez..." The oldest said starting the car and moving forward.

"This is going to be so cool! Having our little brother with us at school!!" Feliciano said with a smile.

"Trust me...It's not that cool." Lovino said with a smile.

"Hey!" Feliciano giggled.

"I can't wait! It's going to be the perfect high school experience!" Sunny said, his smile as bright as his name.

"Maybe, but you need to be careful not to make anyone mad." Lovino told him.

"What? Why would I do that?"

"There's still a lot of countries that don't want Micro nations in the school." Lovino explained.

"So there may be few students that aren't happy you're there." Feliciano added. "But you can just ignore them for the time being. Si?"

"Sure." Sunny said. "I can do that."

Lovino pulled into the school's parking lot.

"Good. And avoid picking fights too." Feliciano told him getting out of the car.

"Si, pretty basic..." The Micro nation said, nodding.

"Uh, listen to your teachers too. And do your work in class." The Italian continued as the three brothers walked up to the school. "And if someone starts picking on you, don't be afraid to come and get one of us too! Okay."

"Ya, sure thing...Mom." Sunny teased his older brother.

"Feli, leave him alone. He'll be fine." Lovino said. "Besides, we got to get to class."

"Oh, si..." Feliciano said. "Okay. Have fun, but still be mindful!"

"What's the worst that could happen?" Sunny asked as his brothers walked away. "I'll be fine."

Sunny walked out of his final period with a smile of his face. His day had gone perfectly. The work was easy, most the students were actually nice, his teachers loved him, so did the ladies. He couldn't think of anything bad that happened.

He sighed noticing his oldest brother leaning against the wall, playing a game on his phone.

"Ciao, Grande Fretello." He said walking up.

"Ciao..." Lovino said not looking up from his game. "How was your first day?"

"Wonderful! The students were nice! The teachers were cool! The ladies were complete bellas!" He giggled. "Everything was perfect."


"Really?" The older Italian asked. "Hm...I would of thought something were to happen."

"Why's that?"

The brunette shrugged. A beep came from his phone and he looked at it. "Feliciano is in doing some homework with the potato bastard. He wants us to go home without him."

"Si. Alright. Let's go!"

When they got out to the car, the youngest Italian remembered he'd left his bag inside the school.

"I must of left it in the library...Can we go get it?" He asked.

"Damn... Come on Fratellino."


Along the way to the library, the youngest Italian was telling his brother about his first day. Lovino went from nodded at some parts, rolling his eyes at others, and even chuckling to some parts.

"Sounds like your day was eventful." Lovino commented when they were almost there.

"Si. It was amazing!" Sunny said. "What you do today?"

"I was mainly in the library alone." He said.

"Oh, you should of seen him, Lovi was so cute!" A voice came from the Library. "He always is though..."

"What's Antonio doing in here?" Lovi asked.

"Mainly in the library, huh?"

Lovino hit his younger brother lightly on the head, earning a chuckle at his reaction.

As the two got closer they could see the Spaniard taking to Roderick, who looked very unamused with him. Neither had noticed the Italians yet.

"But he was like super cute!" Antonio continued with what he was saying. "Being with Lovi is really the best. Yo-"

Roderick caught him off. "Didn't you tried to trade him for his brother when you got him?"

"Well, ya..Bu-"

This time the Spaniard was caught off by the sound of a phone dropping.

The two brunettes turned to see both Italians standing with their mouths hanging open.

"Lovi!?" Antonio asked. "I can explain!"

Lovino didn't give him a chance before he ran off.

Sunny grabbed his bag and his brother's phone before running out of the school, just to barely catch his brother before he drove off. 

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