10. The News

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The sun comes up now but we keep standing strong, 'cause we are out of control. The time is ours, got good people in my car, 'cause we are out of control...

Camila turned over in her bed, waking to the blinding light streaking through her bedroom window. 

"Why didn't I shut my fucking curtains?" Camila groaned, shielding her sensitive morning eyes from the brightness before reaching for her phone. She checked the time, and inwardly cursed as she realised she still had thirty minutes before her alarm, and the low morning sun had inconveniently disrupted her sleep. looking at the time on her phone. Camila buried her face in her pillow and lay unmoving for a few seconds, before deeply sighing and dragging herself from the safety of her warm bed covers. The brunette knew if she went back to sleep to claim her glorious thirty minutes, she'd end up sleeping through her alarm. 

She traipsed over to her connecting bathroom to brush her teeth, and get herself together for another normal day at East Bailey. Scratch normal.

Faucet. Water. Toothpaste. Sirens. Toothbrush.

"What the hell?" Camila mumbled to herself, her mouth full of minty foam. She pulled herself away from the bathroom sink to peer through the window to investigate the noise. Camila could just make out a police cruiser pulling up outside of a house a couple streets down from her own. Being the dangerously curious woman that she was, she made a mental note to make Dinah drive that way on their way to school.

It wasn't long before Dinah was pulled up outside of her house and she was in the passenger side of the car, when Camila made her proposition.

"Hey drive the long way round out of this estate? I heard sirens this morning I wanna check it out."

Dinah complied and drove the opposite way she had arrived, towards where Camila had seen the police car. The first house on corner now had not 1 but 3 police cars parked outside. 

"Holy shit," Dinah said in shock, "what the hell happened?"

"I have no idea. Put the local radio on see if we hear anything about it." Camila replied.

"I doubt there'll be anything on the news about it so early, they can't have been there long" The younger girl stated.

"Maybe, but its a small part of town, nothing usually happens here." The brunette said, already flicking through the stations.

It was mainly just weather reports, radio ads, and traffic alerts that the girls could heard through the car speakers on the journey. It was as Camila went to shut the radio off that they heard it.

"Breaking News to the residents of Bailey Grange, seven-teen year old East Bailey High student Elliot Mathewson has been reported missing. The minor has not been seen since he left his home for school in the Grange yesterday morning. This report marks the thirteenth missing persons case of a minor in Bailey Grange and surrounding towns in just four months."

"Oh shit, Elliot." Dinah said quietly in disbelief.

"Do you know him?" Camila asked, just as shocked.

"Not well, but he played piano for the school musical and helps out a lot in theatre."

The girls vacated the vehicle and headed toward the school building. The halls of East Bailey were unusually quiet this morning, there was a thick blanket of shock and despair covering the students and staff. The girls decided to go straight to there first period class room instead of hanging out in the halls as they usually do. This was the choice for a lot of the student body today, as news spread.

As Camila and Dinah approached their first class of the day, her concern worsened for reasons unrelated to the missing boy from band. Lauren flashed through her mind as she saw the girl she'd been needing to have a word with. Lexa Woods, Camila's one and only lead was standing with her girlfriend Clarke Griffin, leaning against their lockers. Lexa was tall, and had a strong build. Her hair was a soft brown, that waved down and over her shoulders. Her eyes had a glimmer of familiarity about them. They didn't peer into her soul the way Lauren's could, but their loud forest-green was unmistakable. 

It was them that her powerful gaze met with Camila's, a clear negative tension building within the glare. The young brunette took a step forward ready to confront the taller girl as she felt a firm grip around her arm pulling her back.

"Now is not the time, especially not after the news today. It can wait till after class Camila, give everyone a chance to settle and wake themselves a little." Dinah advised to Camila quietly so only the two of them could hear.

"You're right." Camila sighed in defeat. She was already exhausted and the day hadn't even begun.

By that time Clarke, the blonde girl a tad shorter than her counterpart, had swung around to match the direction of her girlfriend's gaze. 

"Hey Clarke." Dinah said with a warm smile, diffusing the tension in the hallway before dragging Camila into their first class of the day.

First period went by quickly for Camila. As did second. As did third. Camila decided she ought to put a little more effort into her classes, and forget her distractions for an hour or two. She knew there was nothing she could do from a classroom anyways. Ever since Lauren arrived at her house, maybe even before that, she was always somewhere in Camila's thoughts. Sometimes quietly and other times Lauren was the only thing on her mind. Lately it was the latter. Camila had let her studies drop to the lower end of her list of priorities. 

'Forget about a normal career, a normal life' 

A small part of her wanted to think that Lauren was just exaggerating that day in the summer house, but a larger part believed everything. Yet Camila, with a frightening indication of the risks, was still chose to blindly follow this mysterious girl into the unknown. She had no solid, practical, or logical reason to. She knew this was more than just curiosity. This was just Lauren.


"You okay Lex?" Clarke asked, reading an uneasiness about her girlfriend, still confused about that short non-verbal exchange earlier that day.

"Yeah I'm fine Clarke, I'm just worried about that girl."

"Why's that?"

"She was living with Lauren, and I haven't seen her anywhere in a little while. That girl, Dinah's friend, I'm worried she knows."

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