12. New Leads

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"Are you sure it was definitely her in the painting?" Dinah asked, taking another sip of her coffee as Camila climbed into her car.

"No doubt in my mind, Dinah look." Camila affirmed, showing the other girl the photo she took at the day centre. "That is Lexa, she was with Elliot when he disappeared, and she knows something about Lauren."

"Okay, okay, slow down. Let's say Lexa does have something to do with Elliot, which we have no actual proof of by the way, what does that have to do with Lauren?" Dinah asked, trying to show reason to Camila.

"He said her eyes were glowing. Glowing, Dinah. Who else do we know with green eyes that have a tendency to glow? Plus, when I tried to talk to Lexa at school she completely evaded everything. I could barely get Lauren's name out of my mouth without her throwing a fit. And we do have proof Dinah. This." Camila once again raising her phone with the image of Mikey's painting. "This is Lexa, this is proof. Mikey said he saw her with her brother, what more do we need? We're not going up in a court of law." Camila finished, putting her phone back in her pocked with an exhausted sigh.

"Why not? If this does have something to do with a bunch of missing kids, we have no place digging. We need to go to the police, this is getting dangerous." Dinah pleaded, still in the driveway of the Cabello home. Camila took a deep breath before quietly responding.

"And say what? Hey officers, I know this sounds crazy and completely delusional, but I think I know something about those missing kids; this girl who may or not be a supernatural demon with glowing eyes, and her friend who may also be a monster and is also technically missing, might have something to do with it."

Dinah did not respond this time, she watched Camila tiredly lean back in her seat, before pulling out of the driveway to head to school.

Camila refused to put it off any longer. She was going to confront Lexa today, with or without Dinah. The only question was when, and how. She couldn't outright accuse Lauren of anything in a hallway full of students, not to mention Camila wouldn't even know what to accuse her of. She would have to get her alone, and that in itself would be a task. The last time Camila mentioned Lauren to Lexa, she fled like a dart. It would be hard, but to Camila, the difficulty spoke volumes to Lexa's involvement in whatever it was is that's actually going on.


Camila had been eyeing her target for a little over a half hour now. It was lunch, and it was time for Project: Corner Lexa. Camila shared no classes with her, and had no information about her school schedule. The only thing she knew was that Lexa, Clarke, and her friends would sit at the far side the mess hall, over two tables. Lexa's group was of a decent size, much bigger than her own. They weren't popular per-say, but they definitely weren't the school's underdogs either.

Lexa was sitting in relative silence, opposite her girlfriend, and surrounded by her friends who were deep in conversation. Every now and then she would look up and laugh along with the group but rarely did she participate in conversation. It wasn't all that entertaining to watch, but still Camila's eyes never left their table, or almost. That was until one girl who's attention must have been wandering around the cafeteria, a brunette with a leg brace, whispered something into Clarke's ear. Camila figured she'd been made, as Clarke swiftly tilted her head round to meet Camila's unwavering gaze. This in turn lead to a sudden chain reaction, of Clarke nudging Lexa under the table with her leg, to raise her girlfriends attention from her plate. The tall brunette then promptly looked up in time to catch Camila's glare, before the young latina darted her eyes away. Camila could feel her powerful stare lingering for a while, before the bell sounding the end of lunch rang through the building, as Lexa quickly lifted herself from her seat, and left the hall quickly before the crowds began to pool to the exits. She was out of Camila's sight, she was smart to choose the table closest to the doors.

Camila had no idea where she was headed, and she had no one ask, especially not Dinah. She knew Dinah wasn't all for the idea of interrogating her friend Clarke's girlfriend, the last thing Camila needed was another lecture, or for Dinah to shut her down. Instead Camila quickly grabbed her bag from the floor next to her seat, and without a word made for the side cafeteria exit.

The school was set out in such a way that all the corridors were connected, in loops. This way, you could get to where you need to be from any exit, and it allowed for foot traffic to flow more smoothly. The doorway that Lexa had passed through connected to a long hallway that looped round to English block, before connecting back round to the cafeteria along the corridor Camila was now running through, in one big square. If she could beat Lexa to the English block she could cut her off and get the information she needs.

One more corner, through one more doorway and the space Camila occupied in the centre of the English department remained reasonably quiet, she had beat lexa. Camila didn't even have a second to catch her breath before a gaggle of students heading to their first afternoon classes burst through the doors at the end of the corridor, one of whom was a certain suspect brunette.

Camila wasted no time in running up beside Lexa and quickly dragging her into the girls bathroom on their right hand side, before Lexa knew what was happening.

"Woah what the fuck-" Lexa began, before Camila interjected.

"I have questions and I know you have answers, Lexa." Camila said, putting her footdown and locking the bathroom door on the inside after quickly scanning the room for any unwelcome guests.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2018 ⏰

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