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How you met:
"I'm in need of another new fraccion, I'm afraid that all my experiments are running me dry."  Szayel said to Gin.  Gin sighed and brought you out from a room.  "Take good care of this fraccion, she's better than all your other ones combined and beat Barragan's fraccions at the same time."  Gin explained as you stood at attention.  Szayel smirked at you and Gin left the room so the two of you could get acquainted.  "You don't look tough."  He stated.  You stayed emotionless and punched him hard in the gut.  "That's what you get for insulting me."  You said walking away.  Szayel coughed out slightly and his smirk widened.  "She's gonna be fun to work with."

How you became friends:
Today was a work day in the lab and you watched as Szayel taught you how to properly inject a serum into a test subject. You actually found science enjoyable, to your surprise.  You quickly did your jobs and listened intently to what Szayel told you.

He confesses to you:
You were beginning to feel different towards Szayel.  Not a bad different, but a good different.  Every time you were around him, your heart would thump and a light blush would try to surface.  Unknown to you, Szayel was also feeling like this towards you.  You sat alone outside and sighed sadly.  You've seen Ulquiorra with your girlfriend and it made you realize you felt a little lonely without Szayel near you.  You heard someone sit near you and looked to see Szayel from the corner of your eye.  He seemed to be stressed and you sighed, laying his head down on your lap.  He looked up at you with wide eyes and you giggled, gently running your hands through his hair.  "I noticed you looked stressed."  You explained.  He smiled kindly and sat up, pulling you into his embrace.  You returned it whole-heartedly.  "I love you."  Szayel finally said.  Your eyes widened and you hugged him closer to you.  "I love you too."

First kiss/Christmas special:
Christmas was a magical time of year and you loved it.  You and Szayel were allowed by Lord Aizen to go to the world of the living (with a little coercion from his girlfriend) and you were thrilled.  Once you two arrived, you quickly placed your belongings in your shared apartment and wandered around the town. Szayel smirked and pulled you over to a store, showing you a stuffed teddy bear. Your eyes sparkled and his smirk widened. He bought it for you and you cuddled it close, hugging him happily. He hugged back and the two of you went to a Christmas dance. When it neared midnight, a man came up to the mic. "Well folks, it's that time of night. One lucky couple will be standing under the mistletoe and receive a prize, and I don't mean just a kiss." He said, making everyone chuckle. You were nervous, you'd never kissed Szayel before, even with you two being a couple. Your first kiss happening in front of tons of people wasn't what you had in mind. You both looked up and Szayel rose his hand, pointing to the mistletoe above both of you. Clapping and cat calling were heard throughout the room, making you blush and look away. Szayel smirked and pulled you flush against him, then looked into your eyes. "You heard the man, don't be shy." He told you, kissing you on the lips. Your eyes widened and fluttered closed as you kissed back. You two pulled away and everyone clapped. "All right, that's what I'm talking about. You two can come get your prize now." The announcer said. You snuggled into Szayel's chest as you two walked, not caring what the prize was because you already received an amazing prize.

You dress like him:
Szayel had to leave and find a new test subject, leaving you alone and bored. You didn't even feel like listening to some music that Szayel gave you when you both went to the world of the living. You then saw his closet and got to thinking, putting your plan into action quickly since he was coming home today. As you got to work, Szayel had just returned from his test subject hunt. He stretch and sighed happily as one of his fraccions came over, taking the test subject to a private room just for it's testing purposes. Gin came over to Szayel and his smirk widened slightly. "Good to see you've returned safely. Your girlfriend was very lonely without you." He explained with a slight chuckle. Szayel smiled. "I figured. so long as she hasn't redecorated the room during my absence, I'll be glad." Szayel Stated. Gin chuckled again. He helped you with your plans slightly, so of course he'd chuckle and stay to watch some of the show. Szayel opened the door to your shared room with a smile, then a shocked look on his face seeing a mini version of him standing in the middle of the room. Gin howled slightly with laughter at the sight of seeing the great Szayelaporro Grantz shocked. He stopped his laughter with much difficulty and left the two of you alone. Szayel pulled you flush against him and kissed your nose, making you blush. "Well, how flattering of you to dress like me. What gave you the idea?" He questioned. You shrugged. "Just missing you." You replied and wrapped your arms around his torso.

Someone bullies you:
You were just minding your own business walking around the halls of Las Noches when two people stepped in front of you.  They looked calm, but you could see the anger swirling in their eyes.  They just so happened to be Espadas number six and two.  "Well, looks like Szayel got the fraccion everyone wanted again."  Barragan spat.  You growled at him and got in a fighting stance.  Grimmjow smirked.  "At least she's feisty."  He spoke and Barragan disappeared, reappearing behind you.  Your eyes widened and you prepared for the impact when someone stopped the fist heading towards you.  You opened your eyes and saw Szayel had stopped Barragan's fist with one finger, shocking the heck out of everyone.  Szayel had never truly shown his anger, but he was now.  His beautiful amber eyes were swirling with hatred and he threw Barragan into Grimmjow, sending the two of them tumbling down to the ground in a daze.  He pulled you into his embrace while still glaring at the two higher ranked Espada.  "You know, if I had tried to become the Cero Espada, I would've gotten the position."  Szayel informed them while picking you up bridal style.  Once he finished, he used Sonido and left the room with you safely in his arms.

After the incident with Barragan and Grimmjow, you wouldn't leave the room you shared with Szayel for fear something like that might happen again.  You may be strong, but you wouldn't be able to beat two of the Espada at the same time.  It saddened Szayel to see you like this, so he walked over to your ball form on the couch and placed you on his lap, cuddling you to him.  You were surprised at first, then snuggled into his chest.

When you get sick:
Today was a rather chilly day in Hueco Mundo, which didn't bother you.  You went outside to have some fun and ended up catching a cold.  When Szayel came back, he quickly took you inside and placed you under the blankets to keep you warm.  He then made some hot chocolate for you and you smiled. "Thank you."  You said.  He smiled and embraced you to help you warm up some more.

He finds out about your hidden talent through someone else:
Szayel had cameras everywhere in his castle, but he never left them recording in the rooms you walked into until you left. That gave you the perfect opportunity to practice (your talent) whenever you wanted. You planned on getting ready and showing Szayel when you were all ready, but that wouldn't be for another few days.  As you were practicing one day, one of Szayel's fraccions happened to come near the door and become curious. He poked his head in the room and saw/heard your talent. He smirked and left, quickly meeting Szayel in one of his various labs. The fraccion huffed slightly and Szayel looked over with a questioning look shown. His fraccion huffed one last time and stood up fully, only reaching to about Szayel's knee caps. "Master Szayel, your girlfriend has a hidden talent." The fraccion said.  Szayel was beyond angry with his fraccion for spying on his girlfriend, yet he was also surprised his girlfriend hid a secret talent from him as well. He glared down at his fraccion, which shrank down to near his ankles.  Szayel's six foot, one inch height towered over the fraccion, anger clearly written on his face. "You will be dealt with when I get back. Tie him up." He ordered. Some other fraccions tied up the one that spied on you as Szayel left the room.  With long strides, Szayel reached the room you were in and opened the door, hearing/seeing your talent.  He smirked and wrapped his arms around your waist, making you jump.  You placed a hand over your heart and sighed.  "Don't do that."  You told him off playfully.  He just smirked and kissed your cheek.  "You have a wonderful talent."  He spoke, his voice sounding velvety and deep.  You blushed darkly.  "Thanks.  I was hoping to get it ready a little more before showing you."  You explained.  He chuckled.  "No need to worry, I don't care whether it's perfect or not, it's a wonderful talent."  He reassured you.  You giggled and snuggled into his chest, quickly falling asleep.  During the night, he kept your ears plugged as the screams of a certain fraccion was heard.

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