Breathe for me

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Song: Breathe (2am)- Anna Nalick (also sung by Chyler Leigh on Greys Anatomy)

"Kara! Hey. You havent been answering my texts or returning my calls. Everything alright between us?" Lena asks spotting Kara in the cafe.

"Everythigs fine with us." Kara confirmed, avoiding eye contact. "Are you sure?" Lena asks, feeling uneasy about the topic.

"Yes! Im fine, your fine, we're fine!" Kara says getting a little angry.

Lena backs off a little, outting her hands up in defence.

Kara stomps away from her and she watchs Kara make her way to the counter and pick up Cats food.

2 hours later
"Alex, do you have a minute to talk?" Lena asks spotting her walking down the street.

Alex turns around to see Lena and stops walking, giving Lena the dirtiest glare you could ever imagine.

"I take it youve talked to Kara." Lena mumbles. "Im glad i found you! I really need to talk with you." Lena speaks up.

"And why would i do that?" Alex deffensivly speaks.

"Because i need you to talk to Kara for me. Because i love her and i cant take her being mad at me because when shes not mad at me its the most beautiful thing in the world." Lena keeps rambling until Alex stops her.

"Fine. But on one condition." She gives in.

Lena nods her head eagerly as Alex closes the gap between them and lowers her voice. "You dont pull anymore shit like that on her again."she demands.

As Lena nods her head Alex steps back, loosing the anger in her voice. "What fo you want me to say to her?"

"I need you to tell her exactly what i told you."

Alex nods her head. "Okay."

They head their seperate ways and Alex speed walks toward Karas apartment.

She uses the key to unlock Karas door and searches for her almost immediatly after steping in.

Kara is looking for something to eat in the fridge and turns back to smile when she hears the door close.

"Hey!" Kara happily says pulling out leftovers from last night.

"Hey i need to talk to you." Alex insisted, throwing her stuff on the table and lening against the counter.

"Okay what about?" Kara grabbed two plates from the cabnit and began to put pizza slices on both.

"Lena." Alex blurted.

Kara paused for a moment or two, but began to resume what she was doing. "And what about Lena?" She asked, trying not to let her voice waiver.

"She caught up to me on my way over here, she wanted me to tell you somethings."

Kara handed Alex a plate of pizza and they both headed over to the couch to eat and talk.

"And you actually listened!" Kara shrieked.

"She had some good points Kara." Alex calmy said before taking a bite of her pizza. "Look Kara," Alex began. "She really likes you. Actually she loves you. The way she talks about you is like your her whole world. She not only loves you, but she wants you, and it seems like your making it impossible for her to have you." Alex and Kara had both put down their plates and Alex now held Karas hands.

"Look Kara. Yeah she messed up, we all screw up sometimes, but that doesnt mean we shouldnt been forgiven." As Alex spoke, Kara began to tear up, but she wouldnt let herself cry, not now.

"Kara she's falling for you, be there to catch her."

With that, Alex picked up the remaining slice of pizza and made her way to the door.

"Wait Alex." Kara pleaded, standing up.

Alex turned around to face her sister.

"What if she hits the ground before i can catch her?" She asks. "Then you'll have to pick her up and peice her back together." Was Alex's reply.

Without saying another word, Alex made her way out the door which left Kara all by herself to think.

Kara fell back down onto the couch and took more pizza in her hand as she thought.

What if i cant peice her back together. She though.

What if shes already hit the ground and theres nothing i could do.

A million thoughts ran through Kara's mind as she finished the last of her pizza.

Finally deciding what she needed to do, she made her way over to Lena's place.

Hey Superfans!

Sorry for such a short chapter but with exams and all i don't have much time to write.

Sadly this book mist come to an end. I may get one, maybe two if im lucky, more chapters out of this but that will sadly have to be it.

Thankyou to everyone who has been with me since i began this book. To all those of you who have just joined, thankyou as well.

If you have any book suggestions please comment and i will make your wish come true.... maybe

The last chapters will be my longest i promise you all that. Anyway, im off to study.

There are some family issues i am having right now so i may not be able to post a chapter for a while. Im not sure how long its going to take but as soon as it resolves ill definalty update

SuperObsessed Sam.

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