Chapter 2 - Self Esteem.

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Amerie put her schoolbag down and got ready for her dance session. She tied her long, curly, black hair back into a messy bun and took off her trainers; Roc watching her hard, assessing her features, her hazel eyes, puffy lips and cute braces. Amerie took off her hoodie leaving her in only a small tank top exposing some of her breast. Chresanto went wide-eyed staring at her E breasts. He couldn't wait to watch her dance.

"Now class, I would like you to perform a dance based on Swan Lake" said Miss Turner.

"I expect some marvellous things from you Chresanto" winked Miss Turner.

Chresanto just sniggered. Everyone in their class went off with their friends making their dance, leaving Amerie to dance alone. She decided to just improvise when she danced so she sat down.

"You again. I bet you can't even dance, with your fat self, can you even get your feet off the ground" laughed Chresanto walking back proud to his stupid friends. Amerie didn't move, she just stared in the big mirror on the wall. A group of girls in the corner were staring at her funny, giving her dirty looks, talking about her out loud as if she wasnt there.

"She's so ugly"

"She shouldn't be here, this place only for bad bitches"

Amerie was laughing in her head but didn't dare do it out loud. She was too smart to call herself a 'bad bitch'. Miss Turner called everyone to the back of the dance studio, first the group of girls were to dance. They twerked to Swan Lake. 'Ridiculous' Amerie thought, trying to hold in her laughter.

"Erm.. Thank you girls" said Miss Turner, confused. "Next will be the boys please".

Chresanto kept his eye on Amerie the whole way through, krumping his ass out to the soft melody. 'Idiotic' thought Amerie, biting her lips to hide her smile.

"Finally Amerie, hopefully someone who might have understood the brief". praised Miss Turner, giving Amerie a promising smile.

Amerie slowly walked in the middle of the studio, and stood on her tiptoes. Everyone laughed except Miss Turner, she looked enchanted. Amerie glided gracefully along with the music performing perfect plies and turns. When the music stopped Amerie performed a perfect box split, leaving all the boys gobsmacked. They'd never seen a big girl split so well. Amerie got no applause, she just sat back in her previous space, hiding her face in her lap.

"Well class, I suggest you take a note from Ameries book, she's got the makings of an amazing dancer" said Miss Turner.

Amerie gave her a soft smile. She'd just made her first friend. A teacher. Great. Everyone started getting changed ready for break except for Amerie. Dancing was her way of letting emotions out and now was the perfect time to let go. When she thought she was alone she plugged in her ipod and put on 'I don't like me - K Michelle'. She started on the floor laying down, eyes closed. Sadfully when she opened them she was greeted with 2 big hazel eyes staring back at her. She was too scared to move. 

"Hey sugar plum fairy. Didn't know you did ballet for babies" sniggered Chresanto. Chresanto dragged her up and pinned her into the wall, Amerie trying not to scream in pain.

"Oh, so you're not gonna scream for me baby. I'll make you scream".

Chresanto slowly rubbed his hand down her body, from her neck to her hip, still holding her up against the wall. 

"Well lets see what you working with, Papi wants to see everything you hiding under these clothes" smirked Chresanto, slowly pulling her leggings down. Ameries mind was stuck in space, she couldn't even breathe because of what was happening. She only realises she's being raped when she feels a big hand slap her pussy hard.

"Ah, Chresanto, please let me go, I don't want this, I just want to be left alone. Please, please, please" Amerie begged, letting the tears she been holding in run free down her face.

"All you have to do for me is scream so come on, scream for Papi" Chresanto said. He got a chair and sat down on it leaving his lap free.

"You know what I want, lay across my lap. This your punishment for being better than me at dancing, nobody upstages me like that". Amerie stared at his lap as if she was staring into the pits of hell. Her brain had shut off and she soon found herself walking towards Chres and laying across his lap with her ass in the air on show for Chres to admire. She hid her face in his thighs, too afraid of what was coming to look.

"Come on baby, take a look at Papi. He wants to see your pretty face"; he didn't give her a choice, he grabbed her face and twisted it to be met with wet eyes and a trembling lip.

"Don't act like you don't like this, I see it in your eyes you like this" Chres says before landing a hard smack on her right cheek. Amerie managed to not scream, biting her lip till she ripped the skin, letting it bleed.

"Aww look what you did, made yourself bleed, now I gotta punish you more" Chresanto smirked, laying 5 quick but painful spanks on her left cheek. 

"Ahhh Chres, please, it hurts. I can't take anymore"

"Scream Papi and I'll let you go". He spanked her another 5 times on both her cheeks, leaving them red and sore.

"You letting Papi hurt you, so you gotta be enjoying this. It's okay to like it baby, I like freaks" smirked Chres landing his hardest blow inbetween her cheeks, touching her clit.

"Ahhhh Papi!" Amerie came right then and there, wetting her panties. She was sweating and breathing heavy, hot tears still running down her face.

"Such a good girl for Papi, didn't think you could cum just from getting your ass spanked. Such a good little freak" praised Chres, lifting Amerie so she was sitting on his lap.

"Papi wants a kiss baby". Chres leaned in but Amerie moved her face before he got to her lips.

"So my kisses aren't good enough for you" raged Chres, pushing Amerie forcefully off his lap, giving her a kick in the gut, making her cry in pain.

"Say sorry to Papi right now!"

"Sorry" whispered Amerie, all her breath was gone from her lungs.

"I didn't hear you!" gifting her with another kick to the gut.

"Sorry Papi, please stop"

"Good baby. Now get changed, class is in 5 minutes, if I don't see you get in on time you gonna get punished again but this time it will be worse, trust me." smirked Chres, walking out of the studio. Amerie slowly stood up and went to the changing room to get dressed for class. She cried the whole time but fixed herself up in the bathroom before walking out to go to her next class.

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