Chapter 4

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I get a ride home from Sheriff Holland who as he said got me emancipated. I remembered what the medic said about my dad not making any sense about the hooker's boot. Only me and dad knew about that, no one else. As you might know from the movie 'A Christmas Story' the boy's dad bought a hooker lamp or a lamp that looks like a hooker boot. Me and dad loved that movie so much that we went to about 10 antique stores looking for a hooker boot lamp and finally found one at. 'Your Antique's our Money' in Bossier City.

"Message in a bottle." I said in realization that the bedtime story he told me every night till' I was 7 meant something. I am the boy who has to find the bottle and then figure out how to get the message out of the bottle.

I run up stairs and go to my dad's room and find the lamp on his night stand and unplug it. Then I throw it on the floor shattering it and find an envelope. I open the envelope and find a list of names attached. The names read.

James Farrow

Lindsey Morrow

Tyler McMann

Lucas Bravo

Tyler Shumaker

Nina Lighter

Gina Glymp

Jacob Harding

Leela Matthews

Valentina of Zendria

Where the heck is Zendria? I didn't have time to figure that part out I was too curious as to why my dad left me a list of names. So I turned the page and read the note.

Dear Luke,

If you are reading this, I am dead and you are as smart as I think you are. You figured out the hookers boot and remembered my bed-time stories. You are truly my pride and joy. But enough sappy stuff I need you to understand why I left you that list of names. So as you may not have known I kill people when I am not at the factory and the reasons why was always to protect you. You were there for me when your mom walked out you could have gone with her but you decided to stay with me. And I put you in some tough spots and I know you never understood why I did it but it was always to prepare you for this day. The day when you would finish what I started. I know I am asking a lot of you right now but it needs to be done. I left you about $100,000 in cash in the safe in the basement. Now I am going to tell you how to not get caught with murder. First you go to a secluded place tell them it's for business for most of these people are in illegal activities. James Farrow a Drug Lord from central Florida moved to Louisiana because the cops were catching on to him. Tyler M., Tyler S., Lucas and Jacob are all his dealers. All of them under the age of 37. But James is 44 and has been on these streets for about 8 years now. Now the girls are a little different Lindsey and Gina are pimps and have male prostitutes. And Nina is a bomb maker. Now that you know a little bit about their history and present I will let you figure out how to get them alone and now tell you how to clean up your mess. You wear latex gloves and just in case carry the gun, knife etc. with a handkerchief and keep it and clean the blood off with bleach and soap but also always cover up the smell. Now it will be hard at first but as you take on more it will get easier and easier you will stop feeling remorse for your victims. But son I have one more thing to tell you. I love you.

Love, Your #1 dad

Now I saw everything clearly. My dadonly had feelings when it came to me. But he never did explain who Valentinawas. But I was going to find out.     

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