Stay By Me

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Dan's pov

Everything goes black. I hear an ambulance wailing. I feel a soft hand slip into mine. I hear voices saying things like 'He won't make it' and 'He's a survivor' Are they talking about me? I hear a voice, a familiar voice, murmuring softly to me, they never leave me, I can feel their presence by my side. Unti... one day... they just went. I felt so scarily alone.

After what felt like an eternity of darkness, when I tried to force my eyes open for the millionth time, I was met with a bright, blinding white. I quickly shut my eyes again. Everyone was suddenly talking loudly now. It was giving me a headache. I opened my eyes again, adjusting to the brightness of it all. Was this heaven?

?: Dan? Daniel!

I saw a lady look at me, tears in her eyes. I tried to talk, my voice was croaky at first, but I eventually managed some words.

Dan: M-Mum?

Mum: Oh Daniel

She came over and hugged me, kissing me repeatedly.

Mum: Oh Danny I've missed you so much, I was so worried. The second I heard I rushed straight over. Oh my baby boy.

I too exhausted to be embarrassed, like I usually would be. I lightly pushed her off, so I could lie back down again. One by one, my family came and said how worried they'd been and all that. I felt happy, surrounded by my family, and the people I loved.

Phil's pov

Nurse:I'm sorry, it doesn't seem likely he will survive this accident. The knife pierced his right lung, he lost a lot of blood. Not many people survive this type of injury. If he does survive, he may suffur from various side effects of our medication  including nausea, memory loss, fainting, sickness, blood clots...

The list went on. The way she said it so calmly made me want to scream. Every muscle was tense, my palms sweating. I hadn't slept in days, I was starving but couldn't think about that right now. I felt sick all over, Dan was in his hospital room, and I hadn't been allowed to see him. Not once. Not since he was rushed off the ambulance and into the hospital. I had barely moved from my hard plastic seat outside his room. Begging to see him everyday. They never let me. And now this news... it was just the last straw.

Phil: B-but he's Dan. He won't give up that easily, he's a survivor.

I had tried to keep it together, but then, in that moment, I just couldn't hold on. A hot salty tear slid down my face, and before I knew it, I was plain out sobbing. The flicker of hope I'd kept, desperate for a reason to keep going. That flicker of hope vanished.

~4 days later~

He's up. He's awake. He woke up last night, I wasn't allowed in until this morning. Filled with excitement and tears of joy, I pushed the hospital door open, I saw him, lying helpless in his hospital bed, and was filled with love so strong I could have defeated an army right then, just to be with him. I quickly strode over to his bed, desperate to kiss him right there, in front of all these people, though I held back.

Phil: Dan?

He looked up, a puzzled look crossing his face.

Dan: Um...who are you?


:O xx

Dedicated to chocoonyoutube :) 


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