If you are reading this, then there are two things you need to know. One- You are me, and Two- you don't want to be me. You may also find it handy to know this- In twelve hours, thirteen minutes and 26 seconds you're going to kill yourself. But that's beside the point. In fact, the point isn't really a point at all but more or less a question. How does one make alphabet soup? This might sound like a rather unusual thing to be thinking of in your final twelve hours, twelve minutes and sixteen seconds of life, but you see, I've had a lot of time to ponder over this and I've come to a conclusion. Alphabet soup is made in much the same way a group of acquaintances is formed. By complete chance. Now, I'm not saying that the way the soup is made is a process of chance, I'm actually just talking about the letters. Because I'm X. An off-chance occurrence that never should have happened but did. A ten on the Scrabble board and a negative eleven in person. And this? Well, this is it, all of it, and no, I'm not going to be nice.
Alphabet Soup
Teen FictionIf you are reading this, then there are two things you need to know. One- You are me, and Two- you don't want to be me. You may also find it handy to know this- In twelve hours, thirteen minutes and 26 seconds you're going to kill yourself.