u fukin prepard bitch

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Bill walked into a hospital nearby. He really had nothing to do (besides admire the wonders of science, that is) so he just decided that maybe he would find that one doctor that had always pissed him off. Just thinking about his face got him angry. He was confident, yes, he would give him that, but not when he was so confident that it got to the point where he was so fucking arrogant. Bill wasn't sure if he actually should look for him, now that remembering his stupid smirk got him in the wrong mood. 

"Dr. Palmer," Bill greeted Christine with a formal attitude. It's something they usually do just to joke around. 

"Dr. Nye," She laughed back at me. "Stephen left a while ago, if you're looking for him." 

"What?" He left? He left? "Is he working at another hospital or...?"

"No, it's just that..." Christine looked like she was looking for the right words to say, but she wasn't saying it. Her face suddenly lit up as she began to speak. "Energy! He's just studying something related to all that jazz," She laughed. Bill laughed with her, but he didn't really understand what she meant by that. She left to check up on a patient on another floor, but gave him permission to walk around as long as he don't go into other patient's rooms. 

He started to go down the hall and remembered that there wasn't much to see, besides the opened closet room in the back. He stood in front of the door to the closet and checked his phone for the time. 7:50 PM. It wasn't too late, but around nine, the hospital should be closed for visiting hours. Then, he heard a strange buzzing sound. Bill turned around and looked straight at the closet room door. 

No, it couldn't come from there. He thought. Why would that sound come from there? It's not like there was anything wrong with the ventilation, was it? Bill decided to check anyway--Just to be safe! 

He slowly opened the door, just enough to peek through. He wasn't sure why, but he knew that he definitely felt a little nervous. Nervous? Try fucking terrified. That sound sounds like a broken vacuum, like, w h a t t h e f u c k ? Peeking through, he saw bright golden sparks. Not believing what he saw, he swung the door open with a quick movement and found himself shocked at what he was looking at.

"Bill Nye the Science Guy," he said in a mocking manner. 

He's a very tall person. Dark hair, some silvery-gray streaks at the bottom of his hair, and defined facial features. Overall, he is an attractive man, which could explain why he was so arrogant. Besides his usual looks, he was wearing a red cape and a strange dark outfit that didn't look like it came from here. And besides the strange outfit, there was a fucking circle of sparks spinning wildly behind him.

"Stephen Strange," Bill said back to him in the same manner. 

The doctor did something with him arm and the sparks suddenly disappeared. "I meant to just pick a few of my things up and bring it back with me, but I guess I have some time to prove how much better I am than you." He said. 

Bill was slowly becoming more and more annoyed at this man. "What was that?" He asked, remembering that he had just witnessed something indescribable.

"What? Oh, you mean the portal," He said and went to the shelf beside him and scanned through the items placed there. "Where's the fucking toilet cleaners, goddammit."

"Portal? That's impossible! That's only science fiction," Bill declared. Sure, he was about twenty to thirty years younger than him, but he's definitely smart enough to know that it can't be done.

"Oh, but what have you just seen?" He said with a mocking grin. Of course, Bill didn't believe him. He was a man of Science, after all. Bill noticed that Stephen knew he didn't believe him. He didn't need to say it--or show it. It was perfectly clear. "I can prove it. I know all sorts of magic."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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scientology (~A Bill Nye the Science Guy x Doctor Strange Fanfiction~)Where stories live. Discover now