My heart for you

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Chapter 1

I just got up and I realize that it's the first day of school. Now I'm in 7th grade. I got dressed, did my hair and I got out of my room to go eat breakfast. When I was eating I heard the radio turn on ' Hello there Sudbury! Today is the first day of school, you kids have fun!' What kind of kid has fun at school? I finish my breakfast, and I head down in the entrance to get ready to catch the bus. Well it's only September so I grab school bag ( witch is always heavy on the first day of school ) my Adidas sweater, and my awesome new sneakers and rush thru the door. I head to the bus stop, a couple minutes later the bus arrives. After a 30 minute bus ride, we reach my school.

I walk up the long staircase to the third floor. I see my new teacher Miss Thernardy, I walk by her and she asked for my name I answer " Jewel Mcfalling ". I walk into the class room to see all my friends from last year there is Lucy, Debra and Mia standing in front of my deck. They all asked at the same time " Where have you been all summer?" I reply " I have been gone to camp all summer long!"

Miss Thernardy walks in front or the class " Settle down children, my name is Miss Thernardy. I would like to hear your names. When I point at you, you will say your name and your likes and dislikes."

Of course she picks me first I get up and say " Hi my name is Jewel Mcfalling and I like to play basketball and I dislike dancing. " The next one she pick was this really cute guy named Jack.

He gets up " My name is Jack Dillion and I like to play hockey and I dislike to play volleyball" he says.

After that I fell in love, he sits down and looks at the next one that speaks, it was this girl named Madison . When she was talking I was starring. I could not stop because he was so handsome.

After one hour of starring at Jack it's time for lunch, I go and grab my blue lunch box and head to my classroom. When I was eating I saw Jack look at me, it's was a dream come true. Also he got up and headed to me, Jack comes and sits down next to me. " Hi my name is Jack I was wondering if you wanted to come and eat with me ?" he says. I answer " Of course !" He asks for my name " Jewel, Jewel Mcfalling."

Lunch ended and we had to get back to class, I was sitting alone at first and then Jack came to sit with me. While Miss Thernardy was teaching math, we where talking about maybe going to watch a movie called " break of dawn " I have not watch that movie yet . But I will with Jack, Math class ended now it time for gym.

" Today in gym class we will be doing basketball." Says are new gym teacher Mr. Polo.

I just met him and I know he's very serious with gym. Last years gym teacher was Mr.Lolita, he was the best! Mr. Polo hands us each a basketball and tells us to shoot some baskets. Well I get a basket in and then Jack comes and shoots and misses.

" Wow Jewel your really good!" He says. I did not want to answer back because I was to consecrated on getting a other basket. When gym finish me and Jack walked up the long staircase to the third floor were Miss Thernardy was standing waiting for the rest of the class.

Me and Jack went to take a seat. After the whole class came back from gym Miss Thernardy was talking about what we are going to do this year. When she was talking me and Jack was chatting about what we wanted to do with are life's. " Well I want to go to medical school and become a doctor." Jack says. I answer " I would like to go to law school and become a lawyer." After a hour of Miss Thernardy talking about what we are going to do this year the first day of school is over.

When I come back home from school, I can't stop thinking of Jack.

Well all I have to tell you is that I fell in love on the first day of school.

Chapter 2 coming soon !

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