Hallo friends! This is gonna be kind of long kind of not, so if you don't read it I won't get offended.
But before I say anything, I have a new story! It's called Trained To Kill. It's about Princeton and the main girl is Zendaya. Consider it action/romance with a lil bit of science fiction in there. I don't think anyone else has anything like it, so that's always cool right? I'm really excited about it and I'll update it hopefully soon. Check it out!
Okay, now back to A Kiss Goodbye and Hello
Just wanted to say thank you all so much for everything we've all been through with this series! It's been rad. Honestly, I thought about Chris and Mel every single day and what they would be up to next, and I'm just as upset as y'all are that there won't be a third book. I would write one, but I just feel like it's over, you know? Like... this is the end. When I have that feeling in my gut I know it's time to move on. Feel free to make up your own future about what happens to them, though! That could be kind of fun, right? Anyway, when I first started wattpad I told my friend that no one would read it and that I was just going to end up deleting it anyways. Glad that wasn't the case here. I'm not sure what counts as a lot of reads on wattpad, but to me 100,000+ is a whole bunch! I even found out some people at my school were reading it because they came up to me and everytime I passed them they'd yell at me to update (you know who you are). I thought that was pretty SWAGGY. I started out writing MB fanfics on Miss Literati and I was excited about getting like 500 reads on a whole story so imagine my shock when I came here.
But uh yea, thanks for all your comments and kiks and pretty much everything, because they encouraged me more than anything in my life really ever has. There would even be somedays when I was struggling with the whole happy thing and I would read comments on my most recent chapter and would be cheered up automatically. Thanks for that.
In my opinion, stories should be.. like.. okay hollup lemme see if I can explain this right. I think that when you read a story, it should make you feel something. Like, that's what makes a novel good to me. If I can feel something, like anger or happiness or something like that. I think that's what a book should do, take you on a journey and make you forget about reality for a few moments. I think those types of writers are the strongest kind and that was my overall goal here. Hopefully I was able to make you feel something.
A little fun fact though-- Melanie was supposed to die at the end of A Kiss Goodbye. That's always been the plan, to kill her off. When I plan my stories in advance, I only think of the characters, basic plot, and the ending. All the details just work themselves out in between there. So, Melanie was supposed to get killed off and that's why I was saying I wasn't going to make a sequel. Why was I going to kill her? Because the happy wedding marriage ending is like so cliche and I'm just like ok wtf not doing that <lol because i actually did that at the end of this> So I thought, what's not cliche? Killing off the main character. I mean, who tf does that?? ME. Heheheh. It was my master plan and I thought it was so great. But thennnn people started asking for a sequel and I decided I could always make them get a little more attached and then BOOM she's dead. So I wrote this. AND I'M GLAD I DID. In my personal opinion, AKH was wayyy better than AKB. Sometimes I go back and read all of it over and over again because I kinda love Chresanto and Melanie. Everything about them. All their flaws and errthang. Back to killing Mel- anyways when it came down to the last few chapters I'd be thinking about it randomly and there was gonna be this thing where Melanie wrote Chris a letter before her surgery because she had a "bad feeling" before she went, and he read it and it was so emotional I cried about it everytime I thought about it. I mean like... blubbering like a little baby cried. AT MY OWN BOOK. And after that, a year later Chris was going to come visit her grave and turns out he wrote a letter back and it was gonna be even more emotional and I FREAKIN CRIED at that too. At that point, I was like wtf i can't do this. Buuuuuut I did it anyway. I killed her off in that one chapter and then by the end of it my keyboard was wet and I finally said to myself- It doesn't have to be this way, Sierra. So I was like fuck it and I let her live. So yea, that's the back story on that.
I think that's all I really have to say. Once again thank you for everything. I mean, over 800 followers? For one book??? You guys give me life. Thanks for motivating me and putting up with my nonsense. I'm sad this is over but happy it happened in the first place, and I'm excited about what's coming next. Hopefully I can make you feel something again.
p.s: contact me!
kik: Sierrarawr_
instagram: sierrarawr (only, don't follow me if you know you aren't going to like my pictures. that's ignorant)