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I looked at him, my best friend, my heart started pounding, his eyes, staring into his food, they were perfect. I didn't know what these thoughts were, confusion was running all over me. All my life my parents said these types of things were wrong. Did he think this too? Would he hate me if he knew? I didn't want him to hate me.

He looked at me and asked, "Are you getting anything?"

"Oh, uh, yeah" I answered him afraid that he would see past me and know what I was thinking.

We ordered and sat down, he ate his food calmly, his movements making me blush. Until some girls come around, and they come to flirt with him, I feel anger, I can feel myself get jealous. I quickly look back at him, he's laughing along with them. I don't know what he sees in them, I know those girls, they are chatterboxes, they talk themselves until they get the guy. There he was, flirting.

I see my brother coming inside, that means I have to go home, deep inside I'm sad. I want to stay with him all day, but he always flirts with the girls in school, well he tries, they all think he's "cute".

I tell him goodbye, and he tells me that he'll send me a message on Facebook, and I quickly smile. I want to tell Felix my feelings, I'm afraid that he'll hate me. I don't want him to hate me.

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