♔ : Finding the other wearing their clothes

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Normally Sougo wouldn't care whatever Kagura did, however, the hoarding became a problem.

The line of work she did have a necessity to have all different types of clothes for whatever job came to the Odd Jobs Gin-chan. However, the walk-in closet started to become less than a shared closet, but mostly just her closet.

Sougo began to throw some clothes from her side of the closet onto the floor. Kagura leaped over the couch, trying to stop her boyfriend from touching her stuff.

"What are you doing? I need these for work!" Kagura picked up some items from the floor, putting it back where it belonged in the closet.

"I haven't seen you wear any of these clothes in years. You can't had a client wanting you to dress up in...this." He held up a flesh colored mosaic.

"It can be useful! What if we have to work at the Festival of the Steel Phallus this year, huh?" Kagura tried to find the best argument for her case.

He looked at her and dropped the mosaic before continuing to rummage through the piles of clothes.

Kagura retaliated by pushing his stuff in the closet on the floor, "You need to get rid of some of your stuff too."

"What are you blabbing about? Your stuff takes up more than half of the closet." He didn't skip a beat, pushing the random outfits onto the floor.

He took out a Chinese warrior outfit off the hanger. It was too oversized for Kagura to wear, at least ten times her mass. It was black and gray with a gold trim, topped off with a blue scarf. He was compelled to put it on just to see how silly he would look in it.

Kagura found a gray box from his side. Upon opening the box, to her surprise, she found a particular outfit from Sougo's past.

She ran to the bathroom to put it on.

Sougo looked at the clothes hanging off his arms, wondering how the girl he knew was ever able to fit into something like it.

Kagura cleared her throat from the closet entrance, snapping a whip in the air, catching Sougo's attention.

He grinned. "Well look what the Madame brought in."

She had tied her ponytail up on the right side, wearing a navy sailor school uniform and lacy mask. The only problem was the top was a bit small, showing a bit of her navel.

"You kept this outfit for all these years and didn't care to tell me?" Kagura poked him.

"It's a memento, especially that outfit it paid for most of this apartment."

Kagura looked at him in her old Kaguraton outfit, "It doesn't look good on you." She peeked behind him, seeing the clothes hanging off him.

"It's missing something."

She took a red lip liner from her cosmetic box.

"What...what are you doing?" He asked, dodging her hand.

"Stand still." She demanded, pushing him against the wall, straddling him down.

She drew on his face, concentrating with her tongue out to the side of her mouth.

"My best creation yet!" She said handing him a mirror.

She outlined a beard on his face, and a scar on his left eye.

He looked at her with his deadpan expression. Kagura laughed with tears coming out of her eye. Sougo couldn't help to laugh himself with that contagious laughter of hers too.

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