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(Brandon's POV)

Jazmyn walked towards the girl, with the rest of us boys behind her.The girl stood up confidently and walked towards me too. That evil smirk appeared on her face. Shalene. Jazmyn walked towards her, Shalene's eyes narrowing.  I have never seen Jazmyn this mad before. Suddenly, Jazmyn grabbed Shalene by the collar.

"What did you do to my boyfriend!" Jazmyn yelled as Shalene shook off Jazmyn's harsh grab. She fixed her hair and straightened her clothes. I took a step forward, behind Jazmyn.

"You two are still dating? I heard the little vacation you took and the incident that happened," Shalene spilled as she smirked the evil smirk.

(Jazmyn's POV)

The thought that her brother could have potentially killed my boyfriend, the fury boiled inside me, ready to explode any moment. My fist clenched tight, the guys looked a little frightened by it and they all took a step back. I grabbed her by her collar and tightened my grab.

"What did you do to my boyfriend!" I yelled. Shalene shook off my grab and fixed her hair and straightened her clothing.

"You two are still dating? I heard the little vacation you took and the incident that happened," Shalene spilled as she smirked the evil smirk. My eyes widened, surprised by what she said I took a step back.

"But you could have killed my brother!" Brandon yelled, his face full of fury.

"My brother was stupid and drunk, this is what happens when you grow older, so deal with it," Shalene just turned her head and sashayed away. I was already mentally killing her in my head. Brandon tried running after her but the guys stopped him.

" Don't do it, she's begging for the attention," I said quietly trying to calm Brandon down. Brandon struggled in the guys grab but he eventually gave up.

"Let's go inside," I said. My hands were still trembling against the doorknob, when I walk into that room, what will I see? Will he remember what has happened? The questions raced through my mind as I tried to focus on opening the doorknob. After a minute, I was finally able to twist the door knob open and me and Brandon walked in. The rest of the guys decided to stay outside cause they thought it would be more private for us.

I walked in with my hand down, as soon as I lifted my head up, my hands instantly came over my mouth. Hunter looked pale, he had a cut across his forehead, and his arm stitched up and bruised badly. I scanned his body up and down.

"What have I done," I whispered. My hands trembling while holding his. Brandon came over behind me.

"You didn't do anything, it's not your fault," He said.

"If I stayed, this would not have happened to you, I'm so sorry Hunter," I said. Tears escaped my eyes as I cried beside his bed. I wished he was not in the hospital, but with me. The door opened and a doctor and nurse came in.

" How is he?" Brandon asked. The doctor looked up from his clipboard.

"He should wake up soon, but he would have to stay in the hospital for about a month." The doctor finished. My eyes glowed up, he should wake up soon!

"He's gonna wake up soon!" I exclaimed and hugged Brandon. I wiped my tears away and held Hunter's hand. I've got so much to say when you wake up Hunter, I thought to myself. We walked out of the room and told the guys the good news. As we were about to leave, there was a beeping sound around the hospital.

'Immediate assistance to patient in room 254!'

We looked at each other and we cleared out as a bunch of doctors and nurses ran towards room 254. Then it hit us.

"That is Hunter's room!" Jacob yelled. We watched as a bunch of doctors and nurses ran towards the room. Brandon and I ran towards the room.

"What's going on!" I yelled. The nurses pushed us out of the way as they wheeled Hunter's bed to the hallway. There were a bunch of tubes and strings hanging from Hunter's bed. Both of us ran after the bed but we were held back by the guys.

"No why are you taking him! What's going on!" I scream. Blake and Cameron held me back while Aaron and Taylor held back Brandon. "Let me go!" I yelled. I struggled but I was unable to break their hold.

"His breathing isn't stable and we are afraid that one of his vital organs are bleeding, come back tomorrow," the doctor said quickly and then ran back. I ran towards the doctor.

"You ha-have t-to ma-make sure that h-he is o-okay!" I said, tears streaming down my face.

"We really can't promise anything, we will try our best," the doctor said then he quickly walked off. We had no choice but to go back to the hotel, the whole ride back to the hotel I could not stop fidgeting. When we got back to the hotel, Cam turned off the lights and I wondered to myself, how am I suppose to fall asleep. I didn't go to sleep till 3am in the morning.

Hunter, I'm so sorry, please, forgive me...

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