the first day

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its been a long night not really remembering whats going to happen, well i didn't remember but i did know tomorrow we had school, the first day!... we where at the park, chilling listening to music, laughing harder the closer it got to 12 am. its was Ryan, Alex, eric, Lauren, Olivia, and Esin (me).

once it got to 12 i knew it was time for us to part, i didn't want to be tired on the first day, now would i? ha-ha! I started walking home alone and it was really quiet, and i kind of enjoyed it, and if i had to be even more honest it got a little to quiet, i couldn't even hear the owls or crickets, i started walking faster and faster, going on to sprinting, this wasn't normal and it freaked me out, i stopped and leaned on my knees breathing really hard i wasn't even halfway there, i looked around to see if there was a sight of anyone near, but there was nobody, so i just started walking again with my hands in my pockets.

it was the next morning i open my eyes to my mother looking at me smiling "GOOD MORNING!!" ugh why did she have to be so loud? "its the first day of school, excited? well i am, hey sweetie get up your bus should be here in 30 minutes." so i got up and asked if she could leave (politely) and well she did. i went over to my closet what to wear what to wear? why don't i ever choose the night before ugh! i got ready choosing an OK outfit ( the Beatles shirt with black skinny jeans and black converse), the same i always wear. When I went downstairs I noticed my mother had made some eggs, but as I always tell her I don't eat breakfast it makes me sick, but we'll she will never understand me oh well. I noticed that the time was 8:00 am so I ran out the house all the way up the hill to the bus stop, I noticed that I have been first and put in my ear buds and listened to some music. People had started coming and we'll they were all freshmen excited to start high-school, what's so exciting about high school? It's just full of stuck up higher class-men that think they are better than all. As the bus came I sat in the same seat as always not caring about what's going on around me, we arrived at school yay? Hah never.

As I walked into the school I saw some people from last year and just walked away, I guess I'll just walk to my homeroom and look like a total dork. As I walked up I noticed a few other people where waiting in front of the classroom, well at least not alone, as I got closer I noticed that the person was Nick, whyyyy does it have to be him?? Nick is my ex and well we don't really enjoy seeing each other very well. "Hello" I said because well I had to, "hey, you're in this homeroom?" Well duh you see me waiting in front of the door, "yeah, hah I see we have it together" why am I so awkward? It's pretty obvious that we do, "yeah well catch up to you later" yeah he totally will won't be? NO! Why would he want to do that? The beginning of this day was already going horrible, and I still have 6 hours to go and I hope I don't die by then.

Homeroom ended and well Nick didn't look at me and we'll seemed annoyed I was there, after homeroom I went to my first block and well Lauren was in there which made me pretty happy but also not something I wanted, the reasoning for that is pretty long but long story short I don't want to be distracted in class. Well that class wasn't bad, even though he was the most corny I can live with it, second block was and OK class too I had 1 eh friend which has was good enough for me the teacher was nice pregnant and all so won't last long. After that class my 3rd block also went pretty well my teacher is nice too and funny, and all i can say are my teachers are not that bad... for now.

Once it was the end of the day thank god , i got happy it was time to relax and go over the day and just think. I got pretty annoyed at 1 thing this whole day none of my friends said hey, hi, hello just whatever. Even my closest friend Lauren, which kind of pissed me off like we have class together and all. What could I do but just put in my headphones and listen to panic! at the disco, and well look at Brendon Urie's beautiful face... Yes, he is beautiful and amazing.

I noticed that i was finally at home and ran out without looking at anyone, as i opened the door with a worried/tired look on my face my mom noticed and had to ask if something happened "are you okay? you seem worried and tired?" why do you have to worry? " I am good, just a little tired." and went upstairs, when i got in my room i just closed my door and jumped in my bed. that's how my first day went, no message from a friend and anyone.

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