So you have probably wondered about committing suicide before or at least this has probably crossed your mind once or twice in your life, but have you ever wondered how everyone who cared for you felt after you died? This is just a little scribble/short story that I wrote;
So if you were going to kill yourself tonight... your parents will find you on the floor, not moving, and covered with blood. They check your heart beat to see if you are still alive and find that you are really dead. Their eyes fill with despair and denial, wondering what they had done wrong and why you had chosen to do this. Screams and tears are shed and loud noises will fill the room. They cry over your body wishing that it wasn't real and was just a nightmare, even if it was reality.
Later that night, your parents call the ambulance and your body is taken into the truck, you lay on the frigid bed as still as a statue. They operate on your dead body until the surgeon and nurses realize that you are truly dead and can not be saved. Your family sheds even more tears and will not stop until they accept that you are dead, which may take at least a few weeks and at most may years.
Then when you parents spread the word your friends explaining that you had died, they all become depressed and wonder what they could have done to prevent this situation from happening. Your friends start screaming and crying because of your death and feel guilty for the rest of their lives, believing that it was all their fault. Your friend's minds are filled with these thoughts, thinking that they could've saved you. They wish they could've at least spoken to you at least one more time and thinking that they could've talked with you and could have stopped you from doing this. The night you died, many people cried and became depressed.
After a while, everyone will attend your funeral. They'd feel a lot of pain and suffer much more then you did before you died, there'd be a hole in their heart, and feel that important piece of their life had been taken away from them...forever. Their pain only gets worse after the night you died, crying every night and they'd be thinking that it "would get better everyday" even though they knew that was a lie.
The people who suffered the most was your family and your best friend. She never thought that you would do something like that and she would believe that she did something wrong and that it was all her fault. She knew you better than (pretty much) everyone else, she was the once who supported you through your hardest times and dealt your problems alongside you. She cared for you a lot more than you thought.
You probably thought that no one would care if you died, but really people did, but there is always a person in this world that lives and cares for you. Sometimes, during hard times, you may feel like no one cares about you. The moment that you choose to die, many people suffer from your death, wishing that it never happened. Just remember that you should never choose to commit suicide and that there is always someone that lives you! Please don't kill yourselves, it doesn't make things any better. please don't cause this and make many people who care about you suffer.
disclaimer; there are probably a lot of spelling and grammar errors, please don't judge and this story was inspired by @/demerection on ig :)
suicidal thoughts
Short Storyhave you ever thought about committing suicide or even the thought about dying because of school or you have been depressed lately by personal issues or even something else? then have you ever wondered what people think after you die? keep reading...