Obey Mommy's Rules or You'll End Up Like the Boy...

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Mommy told me never to go in the basement, but I wanted to see what was making that noise. It kind of sounded like a puppy, and I wanted to see the puppy, so I opened the basement door and tiptoed down a bit. I didn't see a puppy, and then Mommy yanked me out of the basement and yelled at me. Mommy had never yelled at me before, and it made me sad and I cried. Then Mommy told me never to go into the basement again, and she gave me a cookie. That made me feel better, so I didn't ask her why the boy in the basement was making noises like a puppy, or why he had no hands or feet., but I didn't want to end up like him. 

I kept the secret for 4 years untill I told my friend who told his mom who told my mom and the next thing I know I'm laying next to the boy. "You should have listened to mommy." She told me and ran up the stairs and locked the basement door. I tried to stand up but I was just like the boy next to me...

About a year later I heard a little boy ask my 'mother' what was making puppy noises in the basement, she tells him not to worry but then the door opens. I see the scared look on the boys face as he runs upstairs and screams as I hear 'mother's' high hells clank on the floor quickly chasing the boy, and then he is next to me. He whimpers along with me and the other boy. We are the 'puppies'...

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