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Tell me, tell me baby
Why can't you leave me
'Cause even though I shouldn't want it
I gotta have it
I want you you you
Head in the clouds
Got no weight on my shoulders
I should be wiser
And realize that I've got
One less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less, one less problem
One less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less problem without ya
I got one less, one less problem


"James check our roster please," I asked as I slammed my keys on the table that Tina chick really messed with my day she whimpered like a dog which means there's a pack in the area.

"Sis we have a Rvs on our hands," he said sighing.

"A cult of rouge vamps great," I said smiling.

"Taylor what does the H mean?" James asked showing me the little h.

"I'll explain tonight," I said sighing as I took of my shirt.

"You can't just go taking off your clothes Taylor," Brad chuckled.

"What you like what you see?" I said running my hands down his chest.

"Still in the room guys," James awkwardly coughed.
Snapping me out of my trance as I grabbed my whistle I blew loudly.

Everyone ran down stairs lining up.

" hello Taylor how was school?" Marcus asked bowing.

"Bad, but we have a bigger problem," I nodded.

"Marcus I need you to get Brad and Jacob ready for this mission tonight it's cult vamps," I said as I dismissed all three of them James also trailed after them.

"Everyone else except Mary, do ten laps around the house for each lot of carbs you ate today so if you ate a large packet of chips that's 30 laps!" I roared I'm a strict leader but in the end they are going to be thanking me.

Mary our cook looked at me pleading to ask what she did wrong.

"Hey Mary beautiful job on dinner last night," I complemented as her face lit up.

"Your welcome miss what is it tonight?" She asked I told her to just call me Taylor but she says it's disrespectful.

"You can make anything you want for everyone else but Brad and Jacob are to have a lot of greens and medium rare steak and James Won't eat." I said because Brad and Jacob need the iron and James will hunt.

"Yes miss," she replied as I dismissed her.

Jogging up the stairs I throw my clothes in the basket grabbing black leather jeans and an a black singlet with my signature leather jacket.
Putting my brown hair up into a loose pony tail I ran down the stairs to the breifing room.

"Alright everyone let's begin," I said as Jacob, Brad and James took a seat.

"You too Marcus," I said as he tried to leave the room.

"These are gifts from me. They are Comms and they sit in your ear like this," I said showing everyone.
"To communicate you push in the little button and speak, tonight we are going into a cult of vampires which means there could be 5 vamps there could be 100. Which is where you come in Marcus you will not leave this room until we are back safely we can not have any mistakes or accidents made," I said giving everyone there little device.

"Our goal is to wipe out the vampires and save a human which is being held captive as we speak so no fucking around does everyone understand?" I asked the group waving my hands.

"Umm what happens when you kill a vamp?" Brad asks.

"It turns into ashes." I said smirking.

"Wow that's sooo cool!"

"Yes yes but it's time grab your weapons and suit up!" I commanded.

Me-1 Brad-0

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