The More I Know

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It is rather obvious that romance is something Randy is not very interested in. Sure, he had a few crushes here and there, but it was never anything like this. The things he felt were just so powerful! It was to the point that when you do one little thing, whether it be smiling at him or waving hello, his emotions would be driven far over the edge.

He was not used to it at all, and was rather confused by it. Heck, he did not even consider the possibility of it being a crush or love due to the strength of the feeling.

The first person-or book-he went to in search of advise was the nomicon. Even though the sorcerer was long gone, due to him having been defeated by Randy's alter ego the ninja, Randy continued to train with the manual (you never know, a new enemy can come around at any time). The nomicon kept shut, for it was already somewhat bitter over the fact Randy had kept his friend Howard Weinerman. The album seemed jealous, but Randy did not think much of it.

Afterwards, Randy questioned Howard about the entire situation. Howard did not seem interested in speaking about it though, he was too busy scarfing down his lunch to even pay attention to his purple haired friend. Luckily, after some pushing, Howard suggested an idea about the situation, the only disappointing thing was Howard spoke with a mouth full of food. That small detail rendered Randy unable to understand what his bro was saying.

Even the internet failed him with long articles that Randy refused to read, he eventually gave up and began to search for answers on his own. The quest was much more difficult than he anticipated.

After a while, Randy came to the hesitant conclusion that he was, in fact, in love with you...the (girl/boy) who has never seen him. Well, at the time you have never seen or acknowledged him, but that all changed after Randy's painfully awkward introduction.

"Just talk to (her/him) dude," Howard shoved his friend in your direction in an attempt to make him grow some balls.

It didn't work, "no way man! I can't just go up and talk to (him/her)!"

Howard sighed, not caring how his frustration reared its ugly head, "All you have to do is walk up and say 'hi'."

"You don't understand Howard!" Randy groaned and ran a hand through his purple locks. Why can't Howard see things the way he does, but then again, the only thing he has ever liked is food, so Randy should not have been too surprised.

"You are the ninja of Norisville! You used to fight against robots and stanked students, not only that, but you defeated the sorcerer! After all the things you've done, why does this scare you?" Howard stood up and began to shuffle in your direction.

Randy became panicked as his friend neared you, "What are you doing?" Randy gulped after jogging up to Howard.

"If you're not going to introduce yourself to (her/him) I will," came Howard's simple reply.

"What!" Randy gripped his friend's shoulder and forced the ginger to face him. "You can't do that!"

"Yes, I can," Howard sent Randy a mischievous grin, "(first name)!"

You peeked past your opened locker door when you heard your name and smiled when you saw Howard, who was frantically waving at you. The two boys observed as you spoke a few things to your small entourage of friends before lumbering up to them.

"You called me? Or maybe I'm just insane, because let's be honest, who will want me?" You teased before glancing at Randy.

Randy felt himself grow terribly warm when he made eye contact with you. It wasn't anything like the one someone might feel after succeeding at something difficult, or the heat one felt after receiving a compliment. This heat was the same sweltering feeling when one gets humiliated, the type that scorched your bosom before spreading to your arms and legs. It was somewhat similar to how you felt when experiencing a fever.

"Woah man! Your face is so red!" You laughed before you reached (up/down) and poked Randy's cheek. "Did you bring some beer? I'll take some! Heh, I'm joking, I'm joking, don't do drugs man! If you do, I will beat you so hard even your mother won't be able to recognize you."

After saying that you just stared at him, waiting for him to reply to your not so funny joke. 'Hurry Randy!,' his mind barked, 'think of something bruce to say!'

"I like your umm...shirt?" Randy's first instinct was to say something along the lines of: "I like your face", but he swiftly stopped himself when he realized how stupid it sounded.

You blinked (up/down) at him with your large (eye color) eyes before grinning, "you're so weird! I love it man!"

A part of Randy was thrilled that you said that, yet a larger part was concerned...scared. Was he going to end up like Sid and Nancy, victims of a love that refused to halt its growing? Or was it all a trap, much like the one that was set up by Bonnie and Clyde?

At that time Randy was never sure, but he now wishes that he just stayed away from you.

The more he will know, the more it will kill him.

Randy Cunningham x Reader: The More I KnowWhere stories live. Discover now