Ain't That About A Lie!

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Andi: *laughing* you told her you worked at a bank?

Ray: yeah, whats so funny about that?

Andi: because you lied!  you work at a SPERM bank.

Ray: *shrugs* whats the difference?

Andi: whats the difference?..hmm well lets see, A bank is a bank and a SPERM bank is a SPERM bank.

Ray: could you stop saying SPERM like i'm deaf. i can hear you.

Andi: so when are you going to tell her the truth?

Ray: idk, maybe i wont

Andi: well if you do..make  sure i'm i wanna see the look on her face when you break her the horrible news.

Ray:its gonna look like yours.

Andi: *confused* when?

Ray: when i fire you now get back to work.

Andi: *laughs* you can't fire me Mr. Liar! you need me. *about to walk away*

Prince: *grabs her waist form behind* leaving without giving me a kiss first?

 Andi: in your dreams.

Prince: now why would i need to dream when i get the reality every night.

Andi: *sarcastic laugh*

Ray: *looks at them/then at paper work* what did i tell you two? dont mix business with pleasure while in the work place

Prince/Andi: *exchange looks/smile/ hug & kiss Ray's cheeks* We love You Boss man!

*Bell Rings*

Andi: i'll get it.

Ray: thanks for doing your job receptionist!

Andi: *smiles* whatever! *walks to desk* Ja-Jade what are you doing here?

Jade: i just wanna thank you for hooking me up with Ray last night. He's charming and handsome *gives her a Victoria's Secret bag* for you and that botfriend of yours.

Andi: *smiles* thanks.

Jade: no, thank you I'm on my way to see him now.

Andi: you are? where?

Jade: Spermia Bank..I never heard of it but i'll google it.

Andi: i dont think thats gonna be easy..

Jade: *laughs* why?

Prince: *walks out* Andi, Ra-

Andi: *kisses him* Jade you remember Prince right?

Prince: *confused*

Jade: no, but i heard so much about him.

Ray: *walks out* Andi did Prince tell you i needed your help?

Jade: Ray what are you doing here?

Ray: I-I um...

Andi: dun Dun Duunn!

Ray: *gives her a look*

Andi: I'm gonna go file..some papers. *leaves with PRince*

Ray: we should talk.

*Tehy walk to an outside restaurant*

Ray: i don't work at a bank..well i do but not a money bank a sperm bank.

Jade: Spermia Bank? *shakes head*

Ray: yeah...i just wanted to impress you so i lied but i understand if you never wanna talk to me again.

Jade: why wouldnt i wann talk to you ever again? It doesnt matter to me that your not involved in a 'money' bank business, actually I'm kinda glad your not those people are kinda' annoying.

Ray: *laughs*

Jade: you could have work in a circus and i still would have wanted to talk to you. *laughs*

Ray: really?

Jade: but since were being honest...i got something to tell you too.

Ray: okay, I'm all ears

Jade: *smiles* I'm Really A Man!

Ray:*wide eyed* what?

Jade: *laughs* I'm joking! it was a joke! you should have seen your face! *holds his hand*

Ray: *silent*

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