Chapter 6 cloud

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Lillys point of view

I sat on my bed searching though Tumblr and twitter, refreshing the pages over and over. "I'M SOOOOO BORED!" I yelled to no one. I flopped onto my tummy and started to count my hair. 'KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK' "go away I’m doing very important stuff!" I said to whoever was knocking on my door. The person opened the door and Connor popped his head in and looked at what I was doing and then he looked and me giving me a weird look and walked into my room "what are you even doing?" he asked "I am seeing how many lines I have coming out of my head" I said very seriously "okay.... anyway were going to go get froyo you wanna come?" he said while waiting for an answer, I sat there purposely taking my time to think about his offer. "Na I’m good but will you bring me back some?" I asked giving the puppy dog eyes, he gave me a look that said 'seriously you lazy ass' he rolled his eyes and said "fine. Raspberry with chocolate shavings?"

 "YAHTZEE!" I said with a little too much enthusiasm.

Connor looked at me and opened his mouth to say something but then stopped himself and left. "Good choice brotha!" I yelled to him, and I heard him laugh while going down the hall.

After I heard the boys leave, and when I realised the internet wasn’t going to entertain me I looked around my room. "The coast is clear Christmas!" I said to my very old white teddy bear sitting lopsided on my bed. I turned on my music and turned it up really loud and started dancing and singing along. I was having my one woman mosh pit when I got tired and looked in the mirror I started making weird faces, and then I flopped onto my bed and opened my laptop again. 'CREAK' I heard from somewhere in my room. "Whoever is there I have weapons and I’m not afraid to use them!" I yelled into my empty room I looked around, but giving up not noticing anyone. 'Wow this would really suck if there was like a ninja killer clown in my closet...' I thought. "False Alarm!" I said to my teddy bear, I started searching through my laptop's data when I found some old videos of me and my friends. I looked at my computer screen and admired their laighter. I watched a few more videos and I broke, I started tearing up which lead to real tears. Memories came flooding into my mind of how much I missed these three girls, all the bad memories came into my head to, I covered my face in my hands and started sobbing. 'Knock Knock Knock' I shot my head up and quickly wiped away the tears all over my face. "Come in" I said to the person.

 Mr. sexy, I mean the cute boy who almost killed me from earlier came in. "are you ok?" he asked concerned "yea why wouldn’t I be" I answered trying to hide the fact that I was completely lying to him

 " it looks like you have been crying..."

 "Oh no! There’s this new role for a play at school and I was thinking of auditioning for the part as a fountain so I was just practising" I told him.

 He laughed at my response and i laughed with him. he came over and sat on my bed beside me. "Who are they?" he asked looking at the picture on my computer of me and my three friends making ridicules faces "my friends from where I use to live." I said sadly. "do you want to talk about it?" he nervously asked

"no offence or anything but I just found out you existed on this planet and hour ago... so I’m not really up for a therapy session with a stranger." I said to him a little rudely.

 'That was a little mean' I mentally scolded myself

“I’m sorry that came out a lot harsher then it intended to." I said with an apologetic smile

 "It’s ok, I was just asking and you’re right we are strangers so I don’t blame you" he said shooting me one of his charming smiles. "I'm Jc by the way" he said, i looked up from my laptop and smiled "Lilly" I said with a smile. I smiled even bigger when a cheeky smile fell upon his face, then he made and expression like a light bulb lit up over his head, "do you have a sharpie or something? “He asked me "Yup. Umm... Here ya go." I said a little confused while handing him the black sharpie “here let me see your hand" I carelessly put my hand in his and he flipped it over to show my wrist and moved my bracelets, and began to draw something on my wrist. "it means, that you can do anything, just follow your dreams, and hope for the best." he said while looking at the cloud he just drew on my wrist. "I have one too" he told me showing me the little cloud tattoo on his right wrist, I smiled at him  and looked down at the little cloud and stroked my fingers on the black ink "I love it" I whispered, to more myself then to him. i reached over and wrapped my arms around his neck. He was surprised about my hug at first but then wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled away from him and pulled my bangs back with my fingers and let them flop down again. "Sorry" I said a little embarrassed, I felt my cheeks heating up 'god damn it!' I cursed myself.  "don’t be sorry... I like your hugs" he said with a shy smile which made me blush even more I covered my face with my hands in attempt to hide my face, and a pair of warm hands moved mine away from my face and forced me to look up, I stared into Jc's chocolate eyes then looked at his face, "don’t cover your beautiful face, your cute when you blush" he said with an admiring look on his face. He bit his lip and looked at me. our faces got closer but I jumped back when I heard Connors voice talking to some other voices while coming up the stairs "shit" I cursed and jumped to the other side of the bed making a lot of space between me and Jc and pulled my computer to me. Connor came into my room laughing with my froyo but stopped when he saw Jc "oh your back! Yay!" I said to him reaching my hands out like a toddler for my frozen yogurt. He looked at me then at Jc, then gave me the 'what the hell is going on' look "I was just showing Jc some of my art work" I told Connor while flipping my laptop so he could see the picture of one of my paintings on the screen. He relaxed after I had proof we weren’t doing anything, "come out of your room I want you to meet the rest of the boys" he said "you mean fortress" I corrected him; both Connor and Jc gave me a weird look. "That’s what it is... it’s a fortress not a room...” I said to Connor, who just rolled his eyes and left the room with my froyo.

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